Code currently uses:
ap_setup_client_block(r, REQUEST_CHUNKED_ERROR)
as read policy for request content. This means that chunked transfer encoding isn't supported as there will be no overall content length header.
Ultimately need to support this as WSGI specification requires it. Should be noted though that very few if any WSGI server adapters currently support chunked transfer encoding on request content. The only one of those looked at that tries to support it is CherryPy WSGI server, except that it handles it by reading all the content up front and then creates a content length for it. This isn't really a practical solution as it triggers 100 continue responses before an application may be ready to process data, doesn't allow streaming of reads by an application thereby avoiding buffering and doesn't allow end to end communication whereby an application responds to client data with some response and a client in turn sends more data in response to the data returned by the application.
As far as implementation goes, issues are that when performing call to Apache ap_get_client_block() function, the read size must be at least enough to hold any chunk data length information and any trailer extensions. This means that when WSGI application uses read() with a size argument, may need to actually ask for more than the requested amount of data to satisfy the requirement. We cant return more data than requested, so will need to buffer internally any extra above what is deemed the minimum size we can acceptably read.
When application calls read() with no argument, have no idea how much more data there might be, so can only fall back to reading data in some defined block size. There should be some minimal default but allow it to be set to be some higher value with a directive. To make implementation easier, may make more sense to enforce that this blocked reading be used with read() even when chunked transfer encoding isn't used. This would be in place of attempting to read all remaining data based on the content length of the request. This shouldn't be a problem as a WSGI application should keep calling read() until an empty string is returned and shouldn't be assuming that it only has to call it once to have all data returned.
Comment #1
Posted on Apr 1, 2007 by Quick RhinoWith the way that WSGI 1.0 specification is written, an application can't actually support chunked transfer encoding on request content as it is forbidden from reading more than CONTENT_LENGTH. With chunked transfer encoding on request content, there is no CONTENT_LENGTH.
This issue will be looked at again when/if WSGI 2.0 specification is released and it supports chunked transfer encoding on request content.
Comment #2
Posted on Jun 12, 2007 by Swift BearDoes anything, anywhere, ever actually send chunked HTTP requests? I've never seen it, and for normal applications expecting URL-encoded or multipart/form-data request bodies, I can't see any use for it anyhow. Wouldn't worry too much :-)
Comment #3
Posted on Feb 22, 2008 by Quick Rhino(No comment was entered for this change.)
Comment #4
Posted on Jul 17, 2008 by Quick ElephantHi all. This bit me today. Has there been any movement on adding support for chunked requests? Without support for chunking, I'll most likely fall back to using PHP rather than python for this portion of my project...
Comment #5
Posted on Jul 18, 2008 by Quick RhinoChunked requests are still outside of the WSGI specification. All the same, I have been looking at it again in last few days because of a separate discussion on mod_python list about how to modify mod_python to also support chunked request content. I am looking at that and trying to work out how I could bring chunked request support to mod_wsgi, still for core WSGI functionality be compliant with WSGI, but allow people to optionally step outside of WSGI if they want to to handle such requests.
So, not forgotten.
Comment #6
Posted on Nov 16, 2008 by Quick RhinoSick of waiting for WSGI folks. In revision 1115 have added ability to handled chunked request content. To use this you will need to side step the WSGI specification and do stuff it says you shouldn't. That is, call read() with no arguments to get access to all data, or keep calling read() with a block size until it returns the empty string which indicates no more data available. Reading until no more data is not supposed to be done in WSGI because specification says that you should never try to read more data than specified by CONTENT_LENGTH. For chunked request content we have no CONTENT_LENGTH.
Comment #7
Posted on Mar 7, 2009 by Quick RhinoAttached 1115.diff including patch. Patch applies cleanly to mod_wsgi 2.X source code if want to apply it to that.
Note that if using mod_wsgi 2.3 or older, would also need to apply patch for:
Better off perhaps to use mod_wsgi 2.X branch in subversion as includes the latter.
- 1115.diff 1.48KB
Comment #8
Posted on Jun 1, 2009 by Massive GiraffeChunked POSTs only seem to work in embedded mode for me (testing 3.0 RC1). Is that a bug or a limitation?
Comment #9
Posted on Jun 3, 2009 by Quick Rhino@palrich: There are certain things that can't be done in embedded mode, but having absolutely no idea what your code is trying to do, I cant say whether you are hitting the one limitation I am thinking of.
Please post your actual problems along with small code example that demonstrates what you are doing to the mod_wsgi mailing list as easier to discuss there than on a ticket.
The mod_wsgi mailing list is on Google Groups at:
Comment #10
Posted on Nov 22, 2009 by Quick RhinoVersion 3.0 of mod_wsgi now released.
Status: Fixed