
Ultimate font Rasterizer for Windows

Mactype has migrated to all files will be moved soon.

WARNING: For some unknown reason, dot tk cancelled my domain without any notifications. Please DO NOT visit old, it is a AD site now!!! I have migrate mactype file server to, sorry for any inconvenience

A brand new product which turns your windows into a Mac! With the power of freetype, it can render your windows font smoothly and much more convenient to read. This product is redeveloped from GDI++, a Japanese project which is no longer updating years ago. MacType is now more powerful than gdipp. Support chrome 18+, GTK and even safari!

please refer to FAQ if you have any problems.

MacType 2013.1231.0 Released! * This is a maintainess release, it only contains bug fixes * I have too many personal affairs in 2013, I'm sorry that I have no time updating mactype, if you're interest in mactype and would like to help me maintaining mactype, please contact me. * Happy New Year!!!

New website is under construction

Project Information

The project was created on Apr 6, 2012.

MacType font Rasterizer gdipp chrome GTK GDI