
An easy growl-like notification plugin for jQuery

jQuery "growl-like" notification plugin

This is the project page for a simple jQuery plugin called jQuery Notice. As the names says, you can notify the users on your side.

What! Another one?

There are more growl-like notification plugins out there, and I hear you thinking: why yet another one!? Well. The other plugins out there are not written in a style that I like. I needed my notifications more flexible and lightweight. This project page shows how I achieved that.

How it works

This plugin extends jQuery. That means that you can call it like this: jQuery.noticeAdd() or jQuery.noticeRemove(). The fact that it is not bound to an html object makes this plugin very easy to use. It is callable or removable from any function. For example: it could be initiated as callback from a function or on a success or failure after an Ajax request.

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Project Information

jQuery javascript css notification growl