
Web UI Framework for mobile devices - iOS, Android, Palm, and others

iUI: User Interface Framework for Mobile Web Devices

iUI is a framework consisting of a JavaScript library, CSS, and images for developing advanced mobile webapps for iPhone and comparable/compatible devices.

Create Mobile-optimized WebApps with just HTML and CSS

iUI has the following features:

  • Create Navigational Menus and iPhone-style interfaces from standard HTML
  • Use or knowledge of JavaScript is not required to create modern mobile web pages
  • Ability to handle phone orientation changes
  • Provide a more "iPhone-like" experience in your Web apps

Visit the New iUI Web Site


Getting Started

See Getting Started with iUI on the new iUI website.

GitHub Source Repository

The master source code repository for iUI is the iUI GitHub repository We're taking pull requests over there. We'll still take them from Google Code's Git Clones (if you ask on the 'iui-developers' group), but frankly, GitHub is so much nicer.

Project Information

iUI UI Library iPhone Safari WebKit Android Mobile WebOS Blackberry