- ~~proof-of-concept (pre-alpha): done (mostly the wxHTML Form example)~~ DONE completed on September, 2011
- ~~alpha:~~ (planned ~~December 2011~~ ~~February 2013~~) DONE completed on April 1st, 2013
- beta: (planned to be released around July 2013)
TODO (~~alpha~~ beta)
- Integrate PythonCard components, mainly:
- Controls:
- ~~Button (Button - wx.Button)~~ almost done
- ~~Label (StaticText - wx.StaticText)~~ almost done and improved
- ~~TextBox (pythoncard.components.textfield.TextField, pythoncard.components.textarea.TextArea, pythoncard.components.textfield.passwordfield.PasswordField - wx.TextCtrl)~~ almost done
- ~~CheckBox (pythoncard.components.checkbox.CheckBox - wx.CheckBox)~~ almost done
- ~~ListBox (pythoncard.components.choice.Choice - wx.Choice)~~ almost done
- ~~ComboBox (pythoncard.components.combobox.ComboBox - wx.ComboBox)~~ almost done
- ~~List (pythoncard.components.multicolumnlist.MultiColumnList - wx.ListCtrl)~~ almost done and improved
- ~~Tree (pythoncard.components.tree.Tree - wx.Tree)~~ almost done and improved
- ~~Grid (pythoncard.components.grid.Grid - wx.Grid)~~ almost done and improved
- Canvas (BitmapCanvas - wx.Window or wx.FloatCanvas)
- Containers & misc:
- ~~Window (pythoncard.model.Background - wx.Frame)~~ almost done and improved
- ~~Panel (pythoncard.model.Background - wx.Panel)~~ almost done and improved
- ~~Notebook and TabPanel (wx.Notebook and wx.Panel)~~ almost done and improved
- Dialog (pythoncard.model.CustomDialog - wx.Dialog)
- ~~Application (pythoncard.model.Application - wx.App)~~ not needed
- ~~MenuBar (pythoncard.menu - wx.MenuBar)~~ almost done and improved
- ~~StatusBar (pythoncard.statusbar - wx.StatusBar)~~ almost done (needs improvements)
- Sizers support (wx.WrapSizer): initiated, but needs work for more precise relative dimensions calulation
- Controls:
- ~~Provide an easier abstraction to bind events (something like HTML intrinsic events, or more formally: DOM events)~~ DONE
- Visual tools:
- ~~inspector~~: DONE, need revision of some minor bugs (i.e. refresh when reindexing z-order / spec name changes)
- ~~propeditor~~: DONE, need minor enhancements (i.e. edit of compound properties)
- ~~toolbox~~: DONE, need revision of some minor bugs (specially on mac: drag&drop)
- ~~designer~~: DONE, need revision of some minor bugs (specially on mac when rebuilding a Window)
- web2py (gluon) HTML integration:
- ~~Provide easier layout engine with wx.html.HtmlWindow~~ almost done (needs improvements)
- Unify html forms (gui2py.form, gui2py.input) and gui2py.widgets
- Sopport web2py helpers & tools: SQLFORM, auth, crud, grid, etc.
- ~~Standard dialogs: alert, confirm, prompt~~ (TODO: fix minor usability & flexibility concerns)
- Support more advanced controls
- ~~wx.DatePickerCtrl~~ almost done
- ~~wx.lib.masked.NumCtrl~~ almost done
- ~~wx.lib.masked.TextCtrl~~ almost done
- wx.lib.popupctl.PopupControl
- Support wx.lib.agw.aui.
- Documentation (on-line help, context-sensitive if possible)
- Extract manual test from each file and make them unit test
- Finish pep8-fication (remove all camel case names from pythoncard, use underscore only, fix long lines, etc.)
- Complete IDE integration: started, see rad2py (screenshot)
- MVC execution framework (restful architecture - "Rich Internet Applications")
- Migration Tools:
- Pythoncard to gui2py conversion tool
- Visual Basic (classic) to gui2py conversion tool? (maybe with vb2py)
- ~~Support for Python 3 + wxPython Phoenix~~ almost done (at least sample application runs on py3k + wx2.9.5.81)