This component enables Google Maps API developers to compute the fastest route that visits a given set of locations.
Different algorithms are selected based on the number of input locations, in order to produce results in a responsive manner. For large sets of points, the returned solution will be approximate. It is an NP-complete problem after all.
Code example: ``` // Your normal Google Map object initialization var myOptions = { zoom: zoom, center: center, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP }; myMap = new google.maps.Map(div, myOptions); directionsPanel = document.getElementById("my_textual_div");
// Create the tsp object tsp = new BpTspSolver(myMap, directionsPanel);
// Set your preferences tsp.setAvoidHighways(true); tsp.setTravelMode(google.maps.DirectionsTravelMode.WALKING);
// Add points (by coordinates, or by address). // The first point added is the starting location. // The last point added is the final destination (in the case of A - Z mode) tsp.addWaypoint(latLng, addWaypointCallback); // Note: The callback is new for version 3, to ensure waypoints and addresses appear in the order they were added in. tsp.addAddress(address, addAddressCallback);
// Solve the problem (start and end up at the first location) tsp.solveRoundTrip(onSolveCallback); // Or, if you want to start in the first location and end at the last, // but don't care about the order of the points in between: tsp.solveAtoZ(onSolveCallback);
// Retrieve the solution (so you can display it to the user or do whatever :-) var dir = tsp.getGDirections(); // This is a normal GDirections object. // The order of the elements in dir now correspond to the optimal route.
// If you just want the permutation of the location indices that is the best route: var order = tsp.getOrder();
// If you want the duration matrix that was used to compute the route: var durations = tsp.getDurations();
// There are also other utility functions, see the source. ```
To get the source, click on the 'Source' tab and follow the instructions. You will need a subversion client.
Project Information
- License: MIT License
- 111 stars
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