Status Update
Comments <> #2
Thanks for your report. We have a bug open to address this issue. <> #3
Thanks. Any ETA for a fix at this point / What would be a reasonable estimate? <> #4 <> <> #5
the url to is ok ? I get "There is no group named “apps-script”." <> #6
An example of the alternative method slieberman mentioned is below. Note that you will need to use a valid URL instead of the example URL shown below.
function test() {
Logger.log('Basic Auth in URL');
try {
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(' ', {
muteHttpExceptions: true
Logger.log('Response Code: ' + response.getResponseCode());
} catch(e) {
Logger.log('Failure: ' + e);
Logger.log('Basic Auth in header');
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(' ', {
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Basic ' + Utilities.base64Encode('user1:user1')
muteHttpExceptions: true
Logger.log('Response Code: ' + response.getResponseCode());
function test() {
Logger.log('Basic Auth in URL');
try {
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch('
muteHttpExceptions: true
Logger.log('Response Code: ' + response.getResponseCode());
} catch(e) {
Logger.log('Failure: ' + e);
Logger.log('Basic Auth in header');
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch('
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Basic ' + Utilities.base64Encode('user1:user1')
muteHttpExceptions: true
Logger.log('Response Code: ' + response.getResponseCode());
} <> #7
I wonder, any progress in this matter.
I encounter the same problem using UrlFetchApp
I wonder, any progress in this matter.
I encounter the same problem using UrlFetchApp
Regards <> #8
Hi I had a similar problem that occured randomly after a number of times the app was executed.
The Error was : Unexpected Error.
I found one reason that this might happen. In my code the GET call was adding on a filter array of parameters. As i did not initialize the array , the parametre was getting added and I assume that the length exceed some set limit and crashed.
Hopefully a check and error message can be given to warn other developers of this type of errors.
The Error was : Unexpected Error.
I found one reason that this might happen. In my code the GET call was adding on a filter array of parameters. As i did not initialize the array , the parametre was getting added and I assume that the length exceed some set limit and crashed.
Hopefully a check and error message can be given to warn other developers of this type of errors. <> #9
I have an API which appears to have poorly executed http authentication that won't process correctly via the header, and will only accept it in the URL. Progress on this bug would be very helpful. <> #10
I also encountered the same problems. <> #11
Unassigning <> #12
Any progress on this? I cannot use the basic headers as an alternative <> #13
I am sending Credentials (Bearer token) in header only and still getting this error many times. (But not all the time).
We have apps published in G-suite marketplace and I am seeing lot of error logs with this error.
We have apps published in G-suite marketplace and I am seeing lot of error logs with this error. <> #14
Google developpers please make a google apps script recorder! <> #15
There is already a written record of what steps are done to a file in a history. How hard can it be to have a program repeat those same steps on demand? <> #16
The people want a macro recorder!
Come on Google wizards, magic us a macro recorder
Come on Google wizards, magic us a macro recorder <> #17
No answer since one year: Google - please? Macro recorder? <> #18
So about that macro recorder, yes?, no?, maybe?. <> #19
never? :D <> #20
Please yesss
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #21
Nothing yet?? this would be VERY useful for common people to create Macros. <> #22
[Comment deleted] <> #23
Almost 3 years since we last heard from Google, anyone know how we get their attention again? get the status change back to "Triaged" instead of "WontFix" <> #24
Stock keeps going up, add this feature before we go back to excel!!!
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #25
I want to know how to format a cell as duration vs. hh:mm. I have hh:mm working but that format does not show true duration. I would be ideal if Script had a recorder as I could quickly find the answer by executing changing a cell to duration and seeing how to format. I totally agree this is a MUST feature that is lacking. <> #26
Macro Recorder please. The average person isn't going to bother learning java to automate a simple process when they can just use excels macro recorder. <> #27
Does anyone from Google want to comment?
On 10 February 2015 at 15:32, <>
Kind regards,
Tony Gibbons.
< >
Mobile: 0416 732 496
On 10 February 2015 at 15:32, <>
Kind regards,
Tony Gibbons.
Mobile: 0416 732 496
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #28
Would really help users switch from excel to google sheets <> #29
The lack of a macro recorder is the main thing that keeps me going back to Excel. Please add this feature! <> #30
I want to create the most simple macro imaginable but I'm certainly not going to learn Java to do it. I will just stick with Excel until Google comes out of hibernation. <> #31
google pls <> #32
My company made the switch to Google Apps. The ONLY place where I regret it and have to dig up a PC is the lack of recordable macros. If I had these, my company could do far, far more with GoogleSheets and fully cut our connection to microsoft. <> #33
Recording would be a relatively easy feature to implement! Please add it Google! <> #34
How does this not exist yet? haven't we figured out that making previous skills translatable to a new platform is the easiest way to get new and permanent users to a fledgeling product?! without the ability to do this, you've cut off 99% of a new user base who could do amazing things with excel, but now can't do those same things with G-sheets. <> #35
I have opened a Feature request #5395.
As this issue is closed and has been since 2012.
I have asked them to reassess their position.
Please comment and show interest in this new Issue to raise the profile.
I dont think they have even seen any of the comments raised since 2013...
As this issue is closed and has been since 2012.
I have asked them to reassess their position.
Please comment and show interest in this new Issue to raise the profile.
I dont think they have even seen any of the comments raised since 2013... <> #36
I will do so gladly, do you need replies here or is there a specific page tied to the feature request we can go to? Thanks! <> #38
Put comments in the new issue number I mentioned
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #39
Macro recorder would be feather in the cap of google spreadsheet. Please add it ASAP. <> #40
I agree with everything stated before: Google Spreadsheets should have a script recorder! Like Excel. Without this feature Google Spreadsheets will never beat Microsoft Excel. <> #41
Please add a recorder. <> #42
common google... im rooting for you but your still loosing.... Google Spreadsheets should have a script recorder.... <> #43
Being able to record Macros will make Google sheets all the more helpful and easy to use. This is where Microsoft Excel comes in handy. Although in saying that Google sheets is still great to use. This is an idea to help improve Google sheets.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #44
only thing which makes me switch to Excel, Looking forward to a solution real soon.
It's time taking to learn this macro language
It's time taking to learn this macro language <> #45
We have no options in Google sheets to record macros! Unhappily, Excel wins! <> #46
I can't switch from Excel to Google Sheets until I have a macro recorder that I can play back to repeat a lot of actions I have to take on my data, multiple times per week. My workload trying to do this in Google Sheets is about 15x what it is in Excel. The whole point of Google Sheets is to make it easy and encourage people to switch AWAY from Excel, right? Google, come on, almost 4 years after the request you're still ignoring this feature request? Sheesh. Thanks. <> #47
Obviously Google needs to get onto this! Come on guys.. we just want to love you more then we already do... is that too much to ask? <> #48
I vote for adding a recording of "macros" in appscript from Google Docs (or other apps)
That would be a great way to create appscript. The alternative is - currently - to use a lot of time browsing the API to figure out how to do something that is obvious through the GUI.
That would be a great way to create appscript. The alternative is - currently - to use a lot of time browsing the API to figure out how to do something that is obvious through the GUI. <> #49
I am hopeful this feature is added. But in the meantime, so that the awesome people at Google know how important it is, I went out and hired someone at to convert my old VBA macros into Googlescript. In other words, this problem is big enough that I spent money on it. Maybe others are too, or not using Google Sheets because of the issue.
Go Google Go! You rock! But PLEASE add this feature :).
Go Google Go! You rock! But PLEASE add this feature :). <> #50
Come on Google! Almost 5 years and yet we dont have the record button ! That`s absurd! <> #51
To popularize Google sheet a script recorder is really necessary. Oh Microsoft wins all the time...... <> #52
Hey guys from Google. 6 Years akready! Wake up! That`s something my engineers would do in 3 months. That`s not hard at all. Wake up!! <> #53
To popularize Google sheet a script recorder is really necessary..please introduce this feature... <> #54
may be google just do not see us <> #55
I am a current google sheets user and I use google script, but a step by step recorder for a macro is a tool like no other,,,,please add this feature. <> #56
I could really use this macro recording functionality. I can program a lot using VBA, because I used the macro recording as a starting point to understanding VBA. Having a similar function in Google sheets and/or Docs, it would help me immensely <> #57
Still not feasible? Been a few years now... <> #58
Yesterday we announced that a Macro recorder is coming to Google Sheets:
It records the macro as Apps Script, allowing for simple modifications. The feature is currently rolling out but will be available everywhere soon.
It records the macro as Apps Script, allowing for simple modifications. The feature is currently rolling out but will be available everywhere soon.
Would be great to have a record macro function for creating apps scripts on google spreadsheets.
Provide any additional information which might be useful here.