In Progress
Status Update
Comments <> #2
Thanks for your report. We have a bug open to address this issue.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #3
Thanks. Any ETA for a fix at this point / What would be a reasonable estimate? <> #5
the url to is ok ? I get "There is no group named “apps-script”." <> #6
An example of the alternative method slieberman mentioned is below. Note that you will need to use a valid URL instead of the example URL shown below.
function test() {
Logger.log('Basic Auth in URL');
try {
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(' ', {
muteHttpExceptions: true
Logger.log('Response Code: ' + response.getResponseCode());
} catch(e) {
Logger.log('Failure: ' + e);
Logger.log('Basic Auth in header');
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(' ', {
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Basic ' + Utilities.base64Encode('user1:user1')
muteHttpExceptions: true
Logger.log('Response Code: ' + response.getResponseCode());
function test() {
Logger.log('Basic Auth in URL');
try {
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch('
muteHttpExceptions: true
Logger.log('Response Code: ' + response.getResponseCode());
} catch(e) {
Logger.log('Failure: ' + e);
Logger.log('Basic Auth in header');
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch('
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Basic ' + Utilities.base64Encode('user1:user1')
muteHttpExceptions: true
Logger.log('Response Code: ' + response.getResponseCode());
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #7
I wonder, any progress in this matter.
I encounter the same problem using UrlFetchApp
I wonder, any progress in this matter.
I encounter the same problem using UrlFetchApp
Regards <> #8
Hi I had a similar problem that occured randomly after a number of times the app was executed.
The Error was : Unexpected Error.
I found one reason that this might happen. In my code the GET call was adding on a filter array of parameters. As i did not initialize the array , the parametre was getting added and I assume that the length exceed some set limit and crashed.
Hopefully a check and error message can be given to warn other developers of this type of errors.
The Error was : Unexpected Error.
I found one reason that this might happen. In my code the GET call was adding on a filter array of parameters. As i did not initialize the array , the parametre was getting added and I assume that the length exceed some set limit and crashed.
Hopefully a check and error message can be given to warn other developers of this type of errors. <> #9
I have an API which appears to have poorly executed http authentication that won't process correctly via the header, and will only accept it in the URL. Progress on this bug would be very helpful. <> #10
I also encountered the same problems. <> <> #12
Any progress on this? I cannot use the basic headers as an alternative <> #13
I am sending Credentials (Bearer token) in header only and still getting this error many times. (But not all the time).
We have apps published in G-suite marketplace and I am seeing lot of error logs with this error.
We have apps published in G-suite marketplace and I am seeing lot of error logs with this error.
What steps will reproduce the problem?
Use UrlFetchApp.fetch to perform an HTTP Basic Authentication Request with the credentials inserted in the URL (e.g.
What is the expected output?
The request should be fired
What do you see instead?
Instead UrlFetchApp throws the following error:
Unexpected error:
Sample Code
Project Key
We do not want to share as the issue is easily reproducible and our project contains private data (Keys to external APIs)
On which browser & OS?