Status Update
Comments <> #2
We are planning a very cool implementation shortly using google maps and having these
icons clickable on our map would be a huge bonus to mass transit users. The best way
for this to work would be to be to have some way to capture the data in order to
integrate it into our own maps but I would be happy even if they were just clickable
and displayed exactly as they do .
icons clickable on our map would be a huge bonus to mass transit users. The best way
for this to work would be to be to have some way to capture the data in order to
integrate it into our own maps but I would be happy even if they were just clickable
and displayed exactly as they do at <> #3
Since you labeled this ApiType-Javascript, does that mean we Flash API users
shouldn't expect support for transit?
shouldn't expect support for transit? <> #4
This was originally requested for the JS API. If you're a Flash user interested in
the same functionality, please file a new feature request. Thanks!
the same functionality, please file a new feature request. Thanks! <> #5
I too would love to see this feature as a selectable layer based on API calls. <> #6
Being able to get the public transit information through the API would be very cool
and useful!
Badih Schoueri
and useful!
Badih Schoueri <> #7
Changing status of "Accepted" issues to "Acknowledged", to clarify their
We may not be able to resolve all bugs or fulfill all feature requests, but
we do thank you for filing them, and we will continually revisit all
acknowledged issues and evaluate their feasibility. Thanks!
We may not be able to resolve all bugs or fulfill all feature requests, but
we do thank you for filing them, and we will continually revisit all
acknowledged issues and evaluate their feasibility. Thanks! <> #8
It would be great!! <> #9
what are the developments on this request ? any time tables ?
Many thanks,
Many thanks, <> #10
is there a new update? <> #11
++ <> <> #12
Will this be added in v3? <> #13
This would be a great enhancement <> <> <> <> #14
Is this feature now available in v3? I notice the icons in there, but not clickable for information? <> #15
Not that I know of. The icons show up and the cursor changes to the hand like they'd be clickable, but nothing happens. This is the closest info I can find:
Not that I know of. The icons show up and the cursor changes to the hand like they'd be clickable, but nothing happens. This is the closest info I can find: <> #16
Yeah i saw that. That's a pretty easy implementation to get that on the map. More or less, i'd LOVE the ability for the icons to be clickable and show the relevant transit information.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #17
Can anybody tell me how enable click event of the transit stations on a map?
Please <> #18
The transit layer is displaying properly, and at some zoom levels I'm getting a mouseover change to the clickable mouse icon, but no popup information on the transit nodes. <> #19
I'm also voting for this feature to get implemented within API. It is available on so why not in the API? Thanks. <> #20
As a paid google enterprise business developers.
The Google Map API's bus stop details are defintely welcome for immediate implementation to improve user experience for our paid clients.
Many of our clienteles are questioning the lack of bus details(transport detail) of their paid google map business vs the public google map.
The major user groups are from these localised google maps. Looking forward for Google Map release of API on Bus details available on public google map.
-Provide Bus station details
-Provide MRT train/ Subway services of a station details
Hong Kong
-Provide Bus station details
-Provide Tram station details
-Provide MTR train/Subway services of a station details
Malaysia Capital, Kuala Lumpur
-Provide Bus station details
-Provide Train station details
Thailand Capital, Bangkok
-Provide Bus station details
-Provide BTS train station details
Indonesia Capital,Jakarta
-Provide bus station details
-Provide train station details
Philippines Capital, Manila
- Provide Bus station details
- Provide train station details
Taiwan Capital, Taipei
- Provide Bus train station details
- Provide Metro train station details
Looking forward for Google support of this VOTE especially for the paid business users. <> #21
I'm curious whether those who've asked for this feature in the V3 API could not achieve the same and/or better given a Google TransitTM Feed Specification (GTFS)compliant feed such as we are about to use in Perth: - <> #22
Well? When is this going to be re-added?
Clicking a train station on the website works perfectly fine. It would be unfair at best when the Maps API doesn't provide the same functionality at least.
Clicking a train station on the website works perfectly fine. It would be unfair at best when the Maps API doesn't provide the same functionality at least. <> #23
Ooh, I just noticed this issue has been outstanding since 2008.
Better get working, Google.
Better get working, Google. <> #25
Look, the Google Maps website has this. Has always had this. Should we not have this in the API then as well?
So who's going to fix this problem? And when?
So who's going to fix this problem? And when? <> #26
[Comment deleted] <> #27
Also, why is this flagged as an enhancement? It's a bug. <> #28
PLease note: we only need transit stations to be CLICKABLE. The fully-featured info window can be left to one side for now. We just need them to be clickable in the first place, because now we can do anything with em. We don't even have any way of knowing where each transit station is.
Just add a region atop each transit icon that emits a click event, and an id of the place clicked. That's all for now. That'll make many folks happy.
I'm sure you, Google, can add this on short notice. After all, this already works on the website and it's not exactly rocket science.
Just add a region atop each transit icon that emits a click event, and an id of the place clicked. That's all for now. That'll make many folks happy.
I'm sure you, Google, can add this on short notice. After all, this already works on the website and it's not exactly rocket science. <> #29
[Comment deleted] <> #30
What's the status? <> #31
And again, requesting the status please. <> #32
[Comment deleted] <> #33
[Comment deleted] <> #34
What is the status of this issue? Please tell us, Google.
What is the status of this issue? Please tell us, Google. <> #35
Please, add interaction to bus stops. <> #36
Just to confirm, this is still an issue in v3.19. I'm going to take a look, and see if we can fix this in an upcoming release. <> #37
YAAYYYYY I can finally stop getting notification emails about this! <> #38
Hooray! Please do! <> <> #39
How's it going then? Is it not just a checkmark somewhere in a backend, since it's already enabled and working perfectly on google maps the website? <> #40
One month has passed. Time for a status update please. <> #41
[Comment deleted] <> #42
You can get bus station name, ID and coordinates, and then get information about bus stop with any other API.
Here is code:
var overlay;
overlay = new google.maps.OverlayView();
overlay.draw = function() {};
var point = new google.maps.Point(event.pageX,event.pageY);
var location = overlay.getProjection().fromContainerPixelToLatLng(point); //get map coordinates by click
var request = {
location: location,
types: ['bus_station','subway_station'], //get bus stops and metro stations
radius: 10,
placesService = new google.maps.places.PlacesService(map);, function(result, status, pagination){
station = result[0];
if(typeof station != 'undefined'){
pos = station.geometry['location']; //position
bus_no =\[([0-9]+)\]/i)[1]; //get ID by name
alert(bus_no); // ID
Here is code:
var overlay;
overlay = new google.maps.OverlayView();
overlay.draw = function() {};
var point = new google.maps.Point(event.pageX,event.pageY);
var location = overlay.getProjection().fromContainerPixelToLatLng(point); //get map coordinates by click
var request = {
location: location,
types: ['bus_station','subway_station'], //get bus stops and metro stations
radius: 10,
placesService = new google.maps.places.PlacesService(map);, function(result, status, pagination){
station = result[0];
if(typeof station != 'undefined'){
pos = station.geometry['location']; //position
bus_no =\[([0-9]+)\]/i)[1]; //get ID by name
alert(bus_no); // ID
}); <> #43
That works with the Places API, which isn't fully in sync with Maps. Sometimes Places has stations that aren't on Maps, and vice versa. And sometimes Places returns multiple stations in one spot, where Maps has only a single icon.
But the most important thing is: adding a click event is easy. Giving the user a hint that an icon CAN be clicked in the first place, required Google to enable clickable transit stations.
But the most important thing is: adding a click event is easy. Giving the user a hint that an icon CAN be clicked in the first place, required Google to enable clickable transit stations. <> <> #44
Fixed? Seriously?
Can we see it working somewhere then?
Can we see it working somewhere then? <> #45
[Comment deleted] <> #46
Please have a look at our sample page e.g.
When you zoom in on Sydney transit icons should be clickable and display line information in an infowindow. Is there a specific region where you have trouble viewing transit information?
When you zoom in on Sydney transit icons should be clickable and display line information in an infowindow. Is there a specific region where you have trouble viewing transit information? <> #47
Then it's not fixed. Navigate to Tokyo and try the same: no popup. I must conclude either it's not fixed or still broken.
Why is there a difference in region for this? In Google Maps (just the website) it works worldwide, so why is this such a big problem for you folks to get this working??
Why is there a difference in region for this? In Google Maps (just the website) it works worldwide, so why is this such a big problem for you folks to get this working?? <> #48
@thany81: It's probably a legal issue, when google has the license to use these data on google-maps it must not mean that google has the license to provide these data for users of the maps-API's. The owners of these data usually are the transport-companies, not google. <> #49
Then this issue should not be marked as fixed, since it isn't. If it's because of a legal issue or a technical issue, is irrelevant for the status of this issue.
That said, the transit station in Japan (and elsewhere, where no information is provided) should still be given a way to attach some sort of click or hover handler. This is still impossible and should still be fixed.
tl;dr: NOT FIXED
That said, the transit station in Japan (and elsewhere, where no information is provided) should still be given a way to attach some sort of click or hover handler. This is still impossible and should still be fixed.
tl;dr: NOT FIXED
I noticed that the transport icons (bus, tram, metro ..) are now clickables
on Google maps. It will be cool if we can do the same thing with Google
maps API.
(But this should be a programmable option - many apps won't want so many
active markers).
Requested by:sutolotus, georgio
Supported by: Frank (would like it in a tiny map search Google gadget)