Status Update
Comments <> #2
[Comment deleted]
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #3
Just discovered that when you drag the marker off the map and it vanishes you can drag
the map in the direction that the marker vanished and the marker will appear somewhere
else on the map (presumably to a place you dragged it to where it became stuck)
the map in the direction that the marker vanished and the marker will appear somewhere
else on the map (presumably to a place you dragged it to where it became stuck) <> #4
This is the intended behaviour. If you want the map to follow/pan to a marker when you
drag it, you can add events to handle that.
drag it, you can add events to handle that.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #5
Sorry, I misread you bug.
when clicking on the map, we have code that shows a map with tool tips in a popup.
Up until about 2 releases of chrome ago, it worked fine, but now in both Chrome 45.0.2454.101 (64-bit) and Chrome Canary 47.0.2521.0 canary (64-bit) the tiles do not show. There are no JS errors on the page,
On every other browser this still works fine.
There have been no source code changes at our end, I think this coincides iwht the september 15th release of 3.22 of the api