Status Update
Comments <> #3
Just discovered that when you drag the marker off the map and it vanishes you can drag
the map in the direction that the marker vanished and the marker will appear somewhere
else on the map (presumably to a place you dragged it to where it became stuck)
the map in the direction that the marker vanished and the marker will appear somewhere
else on the map (presumably to a place you dragged it to where it became stuck) <> <> #4
This is the intended behaviour. If you want the map to follow/pan to a marker when you
drag it, you can add events to handle that.
drag it, you can add events to handle that.
Hi guys,
The StreetviewService getPanoramaByLocation(latlng, radius, cbk) function fails when the 'radius' argument is not an integer...
You can check the following jsfiddle where the issue is obvious :
Probably a '.' encoding issue ? (it appears as '.' in the request URL, not %2E). Anyway, rounding the value is probably enough - but this should not be let to the API user :-)
Thanks !