Status Update
Comments <> #2
[Comment deleted] <> <> #4
This is the intended behaviour. If you want the map to follow/pan to a marker when you
drag it, you can add events to handle that.
drag it, you can add events to handle that. <> #5
Sorry, I misread you bug. <> #6
how can stop dragging(marker or map) when out of the map
(ie.: map.getBounds().getSouthWest().lat()<-85 ||map.getBounds().getNorthEast().lat()>85 )
(ie.: map.getBounds().getSouthWest().lat()<-85 ||map.getBounds().getNorthEast().lat()>85 ) <> #7
i have the same problem, the pegman jumps around.
I've noticed a little bug while playing with your API.
I've built a resizable two-fold layout with a Map on one side and a Panorama on the other side (both being synchronized).
It happens that, when the map is resized, at some point the pegman jumps back to the upper left hand corner of the screen (while the panorama POV remains the same).
You can check the following JSFiddle :
* At the beginning, the Pegman is on Oleron Island, France, which is fine because it's a great destination for holidays.
* If you move the vertical bar up to 'Angouleme' city, everything is still OK (1st picture attached, pegman1.jpg).
* But when you reach 'Cognac' city, you'll notice that the Pegman jumps into the ocean (see pegman2.jpg attached)
Thanks for having a look at this.