Status Update
Comments <> #2
[Comment deleted] <> #3
Just discovered that when you drag the marker off the map and it vanishes you can drag
the map in the direction that the marker vanished and the marker will appear somewhere
else on the map (presumably to a place you dragged it to where it became stuck)
the map in the direction that the marker vanished and the marker will appear somewhere
else on the map (presumably to a place you dragged it to where it became stuck) <> #4
This is the intended behaviour. If you want the map to follow/pan to a marker when you
drag it, you can add events to handle that.
drag it, you can add events to handle that. <> #5
Sorry, I misread you bug. <> #6
how can stop dragging(marker or map) when out of the map
(ie.: map.getBounds().getSouthWest().lat()<-85 ||map.getBounds().getNorthEast().lat()>85 )
(ie.: map.getBounds().getSouthWest().lat()<-85 ||map.getBounds().getNorthEast().lat()>85 ) <> #7
Just to clarify what was "Fixed" in the release, here are the notes again from my
comment above:
"In the upcoming release, the team decided to address this issue without the use
explicitly defining a 'size' property under MapOptions. This property has been
removed as a result. Map container dimensions are better tracked and updated.
Triggering the Map 'resize' event should work properly once again after toggling the
container's display field."
No "size" property was added or documented. The Map "resize" event should be
triggered, which should now work correctly for map containers initially hidden with
comment above:
"In the upcoming release, the team decided to address this issue without the use
explicitly defining a 'size' property under MapOptions. This property has been
removed as a result. Map container dimensions are better tracked and updated.
Triggering the Map 'resize' event should work properly once again after toggling the
container's display field."
No "size" property was added or documented. The Map "resize" event should be
triggered, which should now work correctly for map containers initially hidden with
display:none. <> #8
I know the case was closed but would you please consider the 'size' option once again.
Most of the the tab scripts seem to switch the selected containers between
{display: none} and {display: block}. Initializing a map in a container in
{display: none} status would need triggering 'resize' event when (after)
display is changed.
However most of the tab scripts do not provide any easy method to trigger
the 'resize'.
There is 'size' option in MapOptions and it seems to work perfect. It would
make 'resize' event triggering unnecessary in most cases. I do not
recommend that for people because that is not documented.
Please document 'size' option.