Status Update
Comments <> #3
Example 1. Just trying to attach your gmaps script.
If you open the developer console, you will see that gmaps init script is loaded, but "getScript(" ");" line isn't working, there is no new script in the document after document.write.
If you open the developer console, you will see that gmaps init script is loaded, but "getScript(" <> #4
Example 2. Trying to use callback parameter. Init is loaded, main javascript file is loaded too. But not working, exception screenshot is in attach. <> #5
For example 2 - your code:
lf.main = function(a) {
eval(a); // <-- Uncaught Error: Code generation from strings disallowed for this context
lf.main = function(a) {
eval(a); // <-- Uncaught Error: Code generation from strings disallowed for this context
... <> #6
Just to poke this bug, using the asynchronous loading method has no effect on this. The only workaround is to roll back to manifest version 1 which is actively being phased out. <> #7
Switched to Yandex Maps, it works well.
Thank you!
Thank you! <> #8
As manifest version 1 won't be accepted by the Chrome Webstore starting in mid August, we really do need a workaround/fix.
Most of the the tab scripts seem to switch the selected containers between
{display: none} and {display: block}. Initializing a map in a container in
{display: none} status would need triggering 'resize' event when (after)
display is changed.
However most of the tab scripts do not provide any easy method to trigger
the 'resize'.
There is 'size' option in MapOptions and it seems to work perfect. It would
make 'resize' event triggering unnecessary in most cases. I do not
recommend that for people because that is not documented.
Please document 'size' option.