Status Update
Comments <> #3
Example 1. Just trying to attach your gmaps script.
If you open the developer console, you will see that gmaps init script is loaded, but "getScript(" ");" line isn't working, there is no new script in the document after document.write.
If you open the developer console, you will see that gmaps init script is loaded, but "getScript(" <> <> #4
Example 2. Trying to use callback parameter. Init is loaded, main javascript file is loaded too. But not working, exception screenshot is in attach.
Hi guys,
The StreetviewService getPanoramaByLocation(latlng, radius, cbk) function fails when the 'radius' argument is not an integer...
You can check the following jsfiddle where the issue is obvious :
Probably a '.' encoding issue ? (it appears as '.' in the request URL, not %2E). Anyway, rounding the value is probably enough - but this should not be let to the API user :-)
Thanks !