Status Update
Comments <> #3
Example 1. Just trying to attach your gmaps script.
If you open the developer console, you will see that gmaps init script is loaded, but "getScript(" ");" line isn't working, there is no new script in the document after document.write.
If you open the developer console, you will see that gmaps init script is loaded, but "getScript(" <> <> #4
Example 2. Trying to use callback parameter. Init is loaded, main javascript file is loaded too. But not working, exception screenshot is in attach. <> #5
For example 2 - your code:
lf.main = function(a) {
eval(a); // <-- Uncaught Error: Code generation from strings disallowed for this context
lf.main = function(a) {
eval(a); // <-- Uncaught Error: Code generation from strings disallowed for this context
Chrome 43.0 / Firefox 38.0 / Safari 8.0
Retina MacBook ( OS X 10.10 )
Rectangles and Circles with option { strokePosition: google.maps.StrokePosition.OUTSIDE } are rendered incorrectly
please check:
and attached Screenshot
API 3.19 / 3.20 - Chrome / Firefox / Safari - Retina Macbook ( OS X 10.10 )
API 3.21 - Chrome / Safari - iPad 2 ( iOS8.3 ) !