Status Update
Comments <> #4
[Comment deleted] <> #5
Yes, please! I particularly love the cloud layer component. Would be perfect for overlaying onto the hurricane track from the NWS. <> #6
Thanks #4. Could others who have starred this please describe how you'd use this layer in your Maps API implementation? <> #7
Currently, I link externally to a 3rd party weather website using the Lat/Long of a marker to find local weather details for that specific area. Using this overlay would prevent external linking and users leaving the page. <> #8
I`d like to use weather information on my site, when it will be possible? <> #9
I would also like thie feature in api V3
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #10
Yes, please! <> #11
This functionality has been scripted by many of us time and time again. Having a layer in the API would allow developers to continue to innovate with the API rather than building the same product ad infinitum. A centralized implementation would reduce load on 's web services, which I am sure they would appreciate, given that they have more outbound traffic to support their data API than they receive inbound from the advertisement URLs developers are obligated to display when using 's free API. <> #12
Yes, the weather layer would be a fun addition to my maps. It works very well on Google Maps! <> #13
Definitely...a weather API will be so much helpfull <> #14
I would very much like to have the weather overlay available as an option available via the Google Maps JavaScript API v3. <> #15
It would be very interesting incorporate weather utility in our applications <> #16
I`d like to use weather information on my site, when it will be possible? <> #17
To all: I've combined the Maps API with some other source of weather info, here is the result feel free to contact me to get the technical details. <> #18
I would love to see the weather layer available in the API. We track live events, and knowing current conditions and access to 's forecast information would add another dimension to the coverage. I know I could do it on my own, but staying with a uniform interface (the one on google maps itself) will be what most users expect and will be more reliable as well. I agree with #10's comments in this regard. <> #19
it would be great the possibility to use it... <> #20
yes... really great...
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #21
It is very important feature for me too. I am sure that most of us need to implement some kind of layer and try to use some buggy or hard to implement layers which can changed every single moment. It is very popular to show weather on maps and I am sure that a lot of people will use it. <> #22
Can we please get an update as to whether or not this is going to be implemented in the API and if so an estimated time frame? Is there possibly a problem with the layer being used thru an API and the weather provider not getting their ads on the website? <> <> #23
I would definitely like to see this in the maps API. <> #24
Would love to have the weather overlay available as an option in the Google Maps JavaScript API v3! <> #25
It's a great feature, please include it in API v3 <> #26 <> #27
genius, thnx :) <> #28
Genius indeed. Thanks a million for adding this to the API. The implementation is very well done, enough so that I will probably leave it on by default for my applications.
Thanks for posting the update here. Cheers!
Thanks for posting the update here. Cheers!