Status Update
Comments <> #2
Interesting idea - I've shared your request with the team. <> #3
Hey, thanks for considering this.
Of course, the idea could be applied to other places of the API as well, basically to all setter functions without
return value.
Of course, the idea could be applied to other places of the API as well, basically to all setter functions without
return value.
etc. <> <> #4
This is now exposed via 'anchorPoint' MVC property on Marker. It is of type Point.
var anchor = marker.get('anchorPoint');
console.log(anchor.x, anchor.y);
var anchor = marker.get('anchorPoint');
console.log(anchor.x, anchor.y); <> #5
[Comment deleted] <> #6
How can you put this as fixed ?
Your implementation does not correspond to the pixelBounds object AT ALL.
The 'anchorPoint' property gives the position of the marker.
The 'pixelBounds' object gives the pixel dimensions of the marker in relation to the anchorPoint - this is not the same.
Please document pixelBounds - we need it, we use it, you use it !
Your implementation does not correspond to the pixelBounds object AT ALL.
The 'anchorPoint' property gives the position of the marker.
The 'pixelBounds' object gives the pixel dimensions of the marker in relation to the anchorPoint - this is not the same.
Please document pixelBounds - we need it, we use it, you use it ! <> #7
'anchorPoint' replaced 'pixelBounds' inside the API. We no longer use the 'pixelBounds' of an overlay to position the info window.
'anchorPoint' is not the position of the marker. 'anchorPoint' is the offset from an overlay's position to the tip of the info window, ie. the point to which the info window is anchored.
'anchorPoint' is not the position of the marker. 'anchorPoint' is the offset from an overlay's position to the tip of the info window, ie. the point to which the info window is anchored. <> #8
Thank you for your clarification.
What you are saying is that, after having accepted this request, you have decided to not implement that which was asked for.
As comment #2 stated, we are unable to determine the size of a marker, notably when the icon is given as an image file instead of a MarkerImage object.
This is one of the reasons why we need this object to be documented and correctly filled in.
What you are saying is that, after having accepted this request, you have decided to not implement that which was asked for.
This is one of the reasons why we need this object to be documented and correctly filled in. <> #9
I'd absolutely vote for a public function to retrieve the Marker size in pixels. Although it's possible to get the shape as poly coords list, it's close to impossible to work out what size the marker has. That's really needed to do mini clustering (for e.g. split up markers if they overlap) or a real cluster script. <> #10
Heh, I'd say that if the (trivial) issue isn't fixed by now, it'll never be fixed. Such a waste for such low hanging fruit.
"However, an anchor can be any MVCObject that exposes the
position property and optionally pixelBounds for calculating the
pixelOffset (see InfoWindowOptions)."
There is, however, no documentation of this object.
In addition, it is obvious that it is used within objects such as Markers.
Could you please document and fix the property names for this object so that it can be accessed safely ?
This is especially useful when developing custom info windows for calculating offsets from marker images.