Status Update
Comments <> #2
I'd really like to be able to position the pegman too. When i use custom controls it appears in a very strange position so i can't use it with custom controls. <> #3
I agree. It would be really nice and helpful to be able to change the postion of the Pegman control. <> #4
"What would you like to see us add to this API?
This would make it easier for developers to create custom controls."
Hi Pamela
There are two things I am looking for in this API before I migrate, the most
important to me is the ability to implement absolute positioning of existing and
custom controls.
Reason: The application I am developing is intended to run full screen on a HDTV, I
have a menu and certain forms that fade in and out over the map depending on certain
mouse hover positions and events. Due to the positioning of these items I need to be
able to control exactly where map controls are positioned.
The second thing I would be looking for is the ability to create custom controls by
extending some sort of base class.
Regarding a layout manager perhaps the team could look at the ability to apply
different types of 'layout managers' to the map object. Thus we could apply a 'flow
layout' or an 'absolute layout' and then add the controls to the layout. This could
possibly fit nicely into your 'modular optimizing’ development approach.
Regards Gavin.
This would make it easier for developers to create custom controls."
Hi Pamela
There are two things I am looking for in this API before I migrate, the most
important to me is the ability to implement absolute positioning of existing and
custom controls.
Reason: The application I am developing is intended to run full screen on a HDTV, I
have a menu and certain forms that fade in and out over the map depending on certain
mouse hover positions and events. Due to the positioning of these items I need to be
able to control exactly where map controls are positioned.
The second thing I would be looking for is the ability to create custom controls by
extending some sort of base class.
Regarding a layout manager perhaps the team could look at the ability to apply
different types of 'layout managers' to the map object. Thus we could apply a 'flow
layout' or an 'absolute layout' and then add the controls to the layout. This could
possibly fit nicely into your 'modular optimizing’ development approach.
Regards Gavin. <> #5
FixedNotReleased. Nice. That will be of great use. <> #6
If you look at past issues, FixedNotReleased means fixed internally and will be
tested, etc. before being released.
That's normally the way quality companies push quality updates for quality products.
Rather than hacking together something that seems to fix the problem and then pushing
it out without testing, only to find it breaks other things.
tested, etc. before being released.
That's normally the way quality companies push quality updates for quality products.
Rather than hacking together something that seems to fix the problem and then pushing
it out without testing, only to find it breaks other things.
This would make it easier for developers to create custom controls.
For developers viewing this issue: please click the 'star' icon to be
notified of future changes, and to let us know how many of you are
interested in seeing it resolved.