Status Update
Comments <> #2
not sure if this is a bug or the intended behaviour
this is a way to get the new bounds
zoomChangeListener = google.maps.event.addListener(map,'zoom_changed',function (event) {
zoomChangeBoundsListener = google.maps.event.addListener(map,'bounds_changed',function (event) {
this is a way to get the new bounds
zoomChangeListener = google.maps.event.addListener(map,'zoom_changed',function (event) {
zoomChangeBoundsListener = google.maps.event.addListener(map,'bounds_changed',function (event) {
}); <> #3
Not sure- I'll discuss with team. <> #4
Quoted from :
Note: If you are trying to detect a change in the viewport, be sure to use the
specific bounds_changed event rather than constituent zoom_changed and center_changed
events. Because the Maps API fires these latter events independently, getBounds() may
not report useful results until after the viewport has authoritatively changed. If
you wish to getBounds() after such an event, be sure to listen to the bounds_changed
event instead.
It seems like this is the intended behaviour (at least in API V3)
Note: If you are trying to detect a change in the viewport, be sure to use the
specific bounds_changed event rather than constituent zoom_changed and center_changed
events. Because the Maps API fires these latter events independently, getBounds() may
not report useful results until after the viewport has authoritatively changed. If
you wish to getBounds() after such an event, be sure to listen to the bounds_changed
event instead.
It seems like this is the intended behaviour (at least in API V3) <> #5
I believe this issue has been fixed a while ago by adding an 'idle' event for the Map
object. <> #6
I don't understand comment #4 . The issue is NOT fixed, it's still present.
This is clearly a bug, because the map is in inconsistent state when zoom_changed handler is called - the zoom is the new one, but the bounds are still the old ones!!! This should never happen!
Thanks for workaround in comment #1 , this seems to be the only way how one can get the bounds in the zoom_changed event. But this is not a clean way, the issue should be fixed!!!
This is clearly a bug, because the map is in inconsistent state when zoom_changed handler is called - the zoom is the new one, but the bounds are still the old ones!!! This should never happen!
Thanks for workaround in <> #7
ad comment #3 - using bounds_changed event instead of zoom_changed in this case is nonsense. It will fire at any occasion when bounds are changed, but here we are only interested in cases when the zoom is changed!
was being thrown that also appeared to be having an impact on some of the
map events.
Specifically, the mouse-out event was not firing for markers in both IE8
and FF. Yesterday, coinciding with the announcement of the bug being
fixed, I was able to confirm that this bug (which appeared alongside the
error message stated in 1425) was also corrected.
Today, I did a clean-cache reload in both FF and IE8 and found that the
mouse-out event was again NOT working. While I am not getting the previous
javascript error, I can observe that the resultant behavior (as I
previously described in 1425) has returned -- a behavior that I was able
to confirm was working fine just yesterday.