
Formy - CSS Form Framework

Formy - CSS Form Framework

Formy is CSS Framework for better form management.

There are some great tools and examples for creating web forms. They usually use tables, div, list or just pure CSS for construction of the form layout. Some of these techniques are not so accessible (tables) or in absence of CCS the form layout will fall apart.

That is why I decided to make universal CSS for forms who will interact in the simple natural way with HTML form and HTML form will work decently well even without CSS.

How this system works?

<label for="Name">Name:</label> <input type="text" name="Name" value="Lorem ipsum dolor" /><br />

<label id="Name" for="City">City:</label> <input type="text" name="City" /><br />...


  1. horizontal form
  2. horizontal form1
  3. horizontal form2
  4. vertical form

Tested with:

IE 5.5/6/7, Firefox 2/3, Opera 9.23/9.5, Safari 3.1(Win), Chrome 1.0

Credits & Useful links

Project Information

form css framework