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UTF-7 is an encoding originally designed for SMTP gateways that couldn't deal with 8-bit/binary characters. It uses a modified Base64 encoding to represent 8-bit characters and ASCII non-printable characters using 7-bit ASCII. The string <script>alert(1)</script> can be encoded in UTF-7 as +ADw-script+AD4-alert(1)+ADw-/script+AD4-

Generally, a character encoding is set in the Content-Type HTTP Header or a META tag in the HTML itself.

When the web server does not include an explicit character encoding in its HTTP response, Internet Explorer will attempt to guess the encoding. If certain strings of user input -- say, +ADw-script+AD4-alert(1)+ADw-/script+AD4- -- are echoed back early enough in the HTML page, Internet Explorer may incorrectly guess that the page is encoded in UTF-7. Suddenly, the otherwise harmless user input becomes active HTML and will execute.


  • To the extent possible, validate all user input. If your application allows you to confine certain input to ASCII-compatible alphanumeric characters [0-9a-z], this UTF-7 string would never have passed your filters.
  • Always set a character encoding, either in the HTML itself or in the Content-Type HTTP header. If set in the HTML, set it in the first 512 bytes of the document.
    • Set the character encoding before the <title> tag.
    • Of course, you need to ensure that it corresponds with the actual encoding you're using. Declaring an incorrect charset can be worse than not setting one at all.
  • Even if your page will just perform a 302 redirect, make sure it has a charset.

To set the encoding in the HTTP headers, use the charset parameter of the Content-Type header:

Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

To set the encoding with the HTML document, use a <meta> tag:

<meta charset="utf-8">

Important: The <meta> tag must appear in the document before any content that could be controlled by an attacker, such as a <title> tag containing a dynamically generated title for the document.

Further reading