
Cube Slam is a WebRTC Chrome Experiment that you can play face-to-face against your friends.

Cube Slam is a WebRTC Chrome Experiment that you can play face-to-face against your friends.



  • python (2.7.2 tested)
  • node (0.8.x tested)
  • make (GNU Make 3.81 tested. Should come with xcode dev tools on mac, and is in apt in both stable Debian and Ubuntu.)

Building is done using a Makefile which in turn uses npm and component for packages and jade and stylus for templating. But to get started all you have to do it make sure python and node is installed and then:

$ make

While developing you may want to use something like watch so you don't have to keep running that command manually. The Makefile is set up to only run whenever something changes.



  • Go App Engine (brew install go-app-engine-64 on OSX)

To get it up and running on a local machine the app engine dev server must be up and running. Start it with:

$ .

or use an nginx proxy to take care of the static files using:

$ make proxy # and follow the instructions...

See the FLAGS Wiki for some fun shortcuts!

Project Information

The project was created on May 17, 2013.

JavaScript Web Game WebRTC AppEngine WebGL CubeSlam ChromeExperiment