Status Update
pf...@gmail.com <pf...@gmail.com> #2
Lockscreen audio controls don't work right when the hide sensitive data option is set either. Some apps are completely inaccessible, others are partially usable but the notification can not be expanded to access full controls.
The only way to get fully functional audio controls is to have no privacy on your notifications, an unacceptable workaround for me. The audio controls should not be tied to notification privacy settings in any way.
The only way to get fully functional audio controls is to have no privacy on your notifications, an unacceptable workaround for me. The audio controls should not be tied to notification privacy settings in any way.
ke...@gmail.com <ke...@gmail.com> #3
That's not true - you do have to change the general system-wide setting to allow all notification data on the lock screen, but then you can mark individual applications to be considered "sensitive" so as to not display their contents on the lock screen. While a bit tedious, this does work and allow you to use the full, expanded music player controls while keeping other notifications' content hidden.
That being said, I do wish there was an option to turn off all notifications and see the old KitKat music player controls on the screen in Lollipop. I really dislike the music player notification box on top of the album art in the background of the lock screen. It doesn't look anywhere as nice as it did in KitKat.
That being said, I do wish there was an option to turn off all notifications and see the old KitKat music player controls on the screen in Lollipop. I really dislike the music player notification box on top of the album art in the background of the lock screen. It doesn't look anywhere as nice as it did in KitKat.
pf...@gmail.com <pf...@gmail.com> #4
@2: Thank you, I didn't know that was possible. That does sound like a workaround I can live with until something better is released. It is definitely not very intuitive or user friendly.
ma...@gmail.com <ma...@gmail.com> #5
The "sensitive" work around is pretty rubbish because it still displays the notification, just without anything useful - which is an ugly solution. I want to be able to dictate which notifications can be seen on the lock screen and which can't without disabling notifications as a whole for that app. Disappointing.
ke...@gmail.com <ke...@gmail.com> #6
[Comment deleted]
ke...@gmail.com <ke...@gmail.com> #7
@4 - How would that even work? You want to see some but not all notifications for an individual app? You can, like you mention, block all notifications from appearing on the lock screen for a specific app, but how would you propose to get even more granular than that?
ji...@gmail.com <ji...@gmail.com> #8
I would be fairly happy with a prettier, maybe subtle, aggregated notifiation widget. Maybe just the icon with a number or something. And not in blinding white! I have a low key background and the white notifications are not subtle. The current , content is sensitive text approach is at best ugly, and worst pointless.
ji...@gmail.com <ji...@gmail.com> #9
Also, blocking an app from notifications also kills it off not just from the lock screen, but from all notifications. I am happy with extra stuff on the pull down list as I can deal with when I am ready.
br...@gmail.com <br...@gmail.com> #10
Totally agree.that's a complete non sense Android lock screen can't permit disabling some notifications only for lock screen
mi...@gmail.com <mi...@gmail.com> #11
Here is the problem in more simple words:
-I don't want any of my notification on lockscreen at all, for privacy reason (and this is possible and I love the feature to disable them)
-I want to control my media apps (Spotify, podcast players, music players, etc...)
-I want all the controls (play/pause, skip, back, the slide bar that indicate the position in the track and give the possibility to change the position)
-the artwork in backgrownd
Right now to have all these things at the same time is impossible. You have to set the notifications in 'no privacy' mode and, still, you can't have the slide bar and the simplicity and aesthetic of the old widget (it used to be more beautiful, no need to pull down, more spaced buttons and the slide bar for seeking)
-I don't want any of my notification on lockscreen at all, for privacy reason (and this is possible and I love the feature to disable them)
-I want to control my media apps (Spotify, podcast players, music players, etc...)
-I want all the controls (play/pause, skip, back, the slide bar that indicate the position in the track and give the possibility to change the position)
-the artwork in backgrownd
Right now to have all these things at the same time is impossible. You have to set the notifications in 'no privacy' mode and, still, you can't have the slide bar and the simplicity and aesthetic of the old widget (it used to be more beautiful, no need to pull down, more spaced buttons and the slide bar for seeking)
mi...@gmail.com <mi...@gmail.com> #12
Also, it would be nice to be able to set two things for the 'notifications-on-lockscreen':
1) which app can show notification in lockscreen
2) what level of sensitivity do you want for notification on lockscreen (only an icon with the number of notifications of that app, the complete notification, etc)
These settings should affect only the lock screen notification not the notification when the device is unlocked
1) which app can show notification in lockscreen
2) what level of sensitivity do you want for notification on lockscreen (only an icon with the number of notifications of that app, the complete notification, etc)
These settings should affect only the lock screen notification not the notification when the device is unlocked
ba...@gmail.com <ba...@gmail.com> #13
@10 and @11 sum it up perfectly. Music control is not a privacy concern in the same way text message content is. Lollipop lumps the two together under the same "privacy" banner, and that's the problem.
li...@gmx.ch <li...@gmx.ch> #14
now personally, I don't care too much for the music menu on the lockscreen. What bothers me much more is that I get notifications on the lockscreen that I don't want to see. I have Llama and AVAST running, and I do like to see the icons on the top bar to see if there is anything up, what setting is active etc. But since the new notifications on the lockscreen are that huge, the lockscreen is spammed with these rather unimportant "notifications", all the while interesting things, like new messages or unanswered calls are shown only by a tiny tiny icon.
You can set apps like llama to 'on going notification no icon', which hides it from the lock screen, but also hides the icon which you might be using to see what profile is active. It'd be nice if notifications had a flag saying "this really isn't exciting enough to appear on a lock screen, but should still show an icon".
You can set apps like llama to 'on going notification no icon', which hides it from the lock screen, but also hides the icon which you might be using to see what profile is active. It'd be nice if notifications had a flag saying "this really isn't exciting enough to appear on a lock screen, but should still show an icon".
gl...@gmail.com <gl...@gmail.com> #15
Agreed. There needs to be an option for developers to allow notifications be present in the notification bar, but hidden from the lockscreen. It's been brought up on Stack Overflow, but there aren't any great solutions at the moment: http://stackoverflow.com/q/27035202/1992342
ve...@gmail.com <ve...@gmail.com> #16
I completely disappointed with weird decision by Google. I have some ongoing notifications on status bar like battery, calender etc. which are now showing in lockscreen as well. And there is no option to turn off lockscreen alone. what a shame in 2015.
st...@gmail.com <st...@gmail.com> #17
I think Google are losing the plot. They seem to be going down the same route as Apple in trying to tell us that they know best and they will configure their items in such a way it takes out user control.
I have another issue which someone may be able to help with in that when my battery is now fully charged, it vibrates my phone. And when I am just dropping off to sleep every night it is really annoying and unnecessary. I could put it on to priority interruptions only, but not only should I not have to do this, I cannot as I work in a support role and this would mean missing an important support call in the middle of the night.
I have another issue which someone may be able to help with in that when my battery is now fully charged, it vibrates my phone. And when I am just dropping off to sleep every night it is really annoying and unnecessary. I could put it on to priority interruptions only, but not only should I not have to do this, I cannot as I work in a support role and this would mean missing an important support call in the middle of the night.
pa...@kalanz.com <pa...@kalanz.com> #18
#13 hit the nail on the head. I need to know that the alarm is active in the notification bar at the top. But I don't want it taking up space on the lock screen. On the the other hand, when I receive a text msg, I want the notification both in the top bar and on the lock screen. Ideally, the "Sound & Notification" setting, option "App notifications", instead of just having an option to block the app or not, it needs to have 3 options: (a) completely block; (b) block on lock screen only; (c) show notification in both places.
sa...@google.com <sa...@google.com> #19
Thank you for your feedback. We assure you that we are doing our best to address all issues reported. For now, we will be closing the issue as won't fix obsolete. If this issue currently still exists, we request that you log a new issue along with the bug report here https://goo.gl/TbMiIO and reference this bug for context.
I don't want lock screen notifications, but i do want my music app controls. I appreciate the move to all notification control, but i have my phone as a music device , often while driving and the ability to skip tracks, see whats playing etc is essential. I dont want any other notifications so filtering by sensitive (ugly btw) won't work.
Please let me choose what to show on my lock screen.