Status Update
pr...@gmail.com <pr...@gmail.com> #2
Random suggestion: Could you try editing the hardware properties of the AVD and use a lower Device RAM Size? E.g. try 512 or 768 instead of 1024.
If you're editing the .android/avd/*/config.ini directly, it's the line hw.ramSize=1024
If you're editing the .android/avd/*/config.ini directly, it's the line hw.ramSize=1024
pr...@gmail.com <pr...@gmail.com> #3
I'm seeing exactly the same issue Windows 7 Enterprise 64 bit. I've tried taking hw.ramSize all the way down to 128 with no effect. However I am only seeing this issue for the WXGA* skins. WVGA* skins work fine with Android 4.1 for me.
xa...@android.com <xa...@android.com>
zb...@gmail.com <zb...@gmail.com> #4
Same issue, regardless of memory size. Windows 7 x64 Ultimate. Just upgraded the SDK to version 20 from 19.
I solved this issue by manually setting the resolution, so instead of selecting the WXGA* (in my case WXGA800) set the resolution to the equivalent value (1280x800 for example). The AVD then starts normally.
I solved this issue by manually setting the resolution, so instead of selecting the WXGA* (in my case WXGA800) set the resolution to the equivalent value (1280x800 for example). The AVD then starts normally.
zb...@gmail.com <zb...@gmail.com> #5
I experienced the same issue. Setting resolution manually works!
Would love to downgrade the SDK because I also have a probably related issue with WVGA800 on Android 4.0 - emulator runs but app does not even launch due to out of memory error (there is no problem with 4.0.3 and WVGA800 however). Again - if I set resolution manually - the app launches without out of memory error.
On SDK 18 I did not have any problems with these skins.
Would love to downgrade the SDK because I also have a probably related issue with WVGA800 on Android 4.0 - emulator runs but app does not even launch due to out of memory error (there is no problem with 4.0.3 and WVGA800 however). Again - if I set resolution manually - the app launches without out of memory error.
On SDK 18 I did not have any problems with these skins.
gh...@gmail.com <gh...@gmail.com> #6
I downgraded my tools to get around this problem for now. As noted above, I am able to work with tools version 19 and platform-tool version 11. I do not know what version of platform-tools goes with tools version 18, for those that need this version, so I have listed both versions 10 and 11 of platform-tools. Make sure that adb.exe is not running when you replace the files manually.
ju...@iilab.org <ju...@iilab.org> #7
This problem still happens with tools version 20.0.1 and platform-tools version 13. It still appears to be caused by starting up OpenGLES emulation even when "GPU emulation" is set to no (as noted in log provided in the initial post). I see the same error when I take tools version 19 and platform-tools version 11, which work for me with their default settings of "GPU emulation" set to no, and set "GPU emulation" to yes.
pu...@gmail.com <pu...@gmail.com> #8
Same error here on Windows Platforms.
I get the crash when the emulator tries to initialize OpenGl (even when set to no). It crashes on my desktop (ATI Raddeon driver), it crashes in every Windows VM I have (with VMWare hardware accelerated drivers). It works on my MacBook Air (Google seems to like Apple :)).
Dump in a VMWare Windows 7 (4 GB):
emulator: registered 'boot-properties' qemud service
emulator: Adding boot property: 'dalvik.vm.heapsize' = '48m'
emulator: Adding boot property: 'qemu.sf.lcd_density' = '213'
emulator: Adding boot property: 'qemu.hw.mainkeys' = '0'
emulator: Adding boot property: 'qemu.sf.fake_camera' = 'back'
emulator: nand_add_dev: cache,size=0x4200000,file=C:\Users\Markus\.android\avd\Nexus7.avd/cache.img
emulator: Initializing hardware OpenGLES emulation support
extension WGL_ARB_make_current_read was not found
extension WGL_EXT_swap_control was not found
Failed to create pbuf surface for FB 0x3004
emulator: Can't start OpenGLES renderer?
emulator: WARNING: Could not initialize OpenglES emulation, using software renderer.
emulator: Kernel parameters: qemu.gles=0 qemu=1 console=ttyS0 android.qemud=ttyS1 android.checkjni=1 ndns=3
Failed to allocate memory: 8
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.
I get the crash when the emulator tries to initialize OpenGl (even when set to no). It crashes on my desktop (ATI Raddeon driver), it crashes in every Windows VM I have (with VMWare hardware accelerated drivers). It works on my MacBook Air (Google seems to like Apple :)).
Dump in a VMWare Windows 7 (4 GB):
emulator: registered 'boot-properties' qemud service
emulator: Adding boot property: 'dalvik.vm.heapsize' = '48m'
emulator: Adding boot property: 'qemu.sf.lcd_density' = '213'
emulator: Adding boot property: 'qemu.hw.mainkeys' = '0'
emulator: Adding boot property: 'qemu.sf.fake_camera' = 'back'
emulator: nand_add_dev: cache,size=0x4200000,file=C:\Users\Markus\.android\avd\Nexus7.avd/cache.img
emulator: Initializing hardware OpenGLES emulation support
extension WGL_ARB_make_current_read was not found
extension WGL_EXT_swap_control was not found
Failed to create pbuf surface for FB 0x3004
emulator: Can't start OpenGLES renderer?
emulator: WARNING: Could not initialize OpenglES emulation, using software renderer.
emulator: Kernel parameters: qemu.gles=0 qemu=1 console=ttyS0 android.qemud=ttyS1 android.checkjni=1 ndns=3
Failed to allocate memory: 8
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.
zb...@gmail.com <zb...@gmail.com> #9
Same issue here on Windows 7 x64. Rather annoying to be honest..
ph...@gmail.com <ph...@gmail.com> #10
[Comment deleted]
t4...@gmail.com <t4...@gmail.com> #11
Strangely i can get it to work if I combine:
1) Typing in the resolution manually rather than picking WXVGA720 or 800
2) Adding the MB after 1024 ram size and then it booted.
1) Typing in the resolution manually rather than picking WXVGA720 or 800
2) Adding the MB after 1024 ram size and then it booted.
ju...@iilab.org <ju...@iilab.org> #12
It appears that this issue is closely related to issue 36949180 (http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=36080 ). When using the WXGA800 skin the emulator ignores any custom RAM value and always uses 1024. As noted in the other issue, specifying the memory from the commandline to a lower value (in my case 896) works. The earlier comments about using a different skin and manually setting the resolution probably got around this problem because the other skins default to a lesser amount of RAM.
@Comment 10 - The reason adding "MB" after the RAM size worked is not why you think. The "MB" is not recognized by the emulator so it instead uses 256 no matter what your value is. You can verify this by running the emulator from the commandline (emulator -avd YOUR_AVD_NAME -verbose) and looking at the hw.ramSize line.
@Comment 10 - The reason adding "MB" after the RAM size worked is not why you think. The "MB" is not recognized by the emulator so it instead uses 256 no matter what your value is. You can verify this by running the emulator from the commandline (emulator -avd YOUR_AVD_NAME -verbose) and looking at the hw.ramSize line.
rp...@gmail.com <rp...@gmail.com> #13
Comment5 you are my saver!!!!! Before last update my life was so quite and simple(except app developing :) which fun but sometimes such a head ache). Since last update I was frustrated. Tons of links, forums,messages,solutions, reinstalls, ram change, WX/VGA changes, running from cmd (this actually worked for me but with some minor issues).
As soon I saw your post and downgrade option, my life is back again nice and simple.
THANK YOU SO MUCH. Downgraded to tools 19r and platform-tools 11r
As soon I saw your post and downgrade option, my life is back again nice and simple.
THANK YOU SO MUCH. Downgraded to tools 19r and platform-tools 11r
un...@gmail.com <un...@gmail.com> #14
Comment5. cc: Comment12.
Am using this ground to say a BIG THANK to u 2.U make my day for providing me a wonderful solution to my problem....
THANK YOU SO MUCH. Downgraded to tools 19r and platform-tools 11r
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Am using this ground to say a BIG THANK to u 2.U make my day for providing me a wonderful solution to my problem....
THANK YOU SO MUCH. Downgraded to tools 19r and platform-tools 11r
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bs...@gmail.com <bs...@gmail.com> #15
This is still present in 20.03 of the tools. I can confirm that entering the resolution manually allows the VM to start without crashing, although I honestly cannot fathom how a bug like this has existed since June without being fixed in one of the four releases subsequent to its report.
sh...@google.com <sh...@google.com> #16
I'm getting these errors here:
Starting emulator for AVD 'AVDEmulator'
extension WGL_ARB_make_current_read was not found
could not load func glBindBuffer
could not load func glBlendEquationSeparate
could not load func glBufferData
could not load func glBufferSubData
could not load func glDeleteBuffers
could not load func glGenBuffers
could not load func glGetBufferParameteriv
could not load func glIsBuffer
could not load func glStencilFuncSeparate
could not load func glIsProgram
emulator: warning: opening audio input failed
could not load func glIsShader
could not load func glVertexAttrib1f
could not load func glVertexAttrib1fv
could not load func glVertexAttrib2f
could not load func glVertexAttrib2fv
could not load func glVertexAttrib3f
could not load func glVertexAttrib3fv
could not load func glVertexAttrib4f
could not load func glVertexAttrib4fv
could not load func glVertexAttribPointer
could not load func glDisableVertexAttribArray
could not load func glEnableVertexAttribArray
could not load func glGetVertexAttribfv
could not load func glGetVertexAttribiv
could not load func glGetVertexAttribPointerv
could not load func glUniform1f
could not load func glUniform1fv
could not load func glUniform1i
could not load func glUniform1iv
could not load func glUniform2f
could not load func glUniform2fv
could not load func glUniform2i
could not load func glUniform2iv
could not load func glUniform3f
could not load func glUniform3fv
could not load func glUniform3i
could not load func glUniform3iv
could not load func glUniform4f
could not load func glUniform4fv
could not load func glUniform4i
could not load func glUniform4iv
could not load func glUniformMatrix2fv
could not load func glUniformMatrix3fv
could not load func glUniformMatrix4fv
could not load func glAttachShader
could not load func glBindAttribLocation
could not load func glCompileShader
could not load func glCreateProgram
could not load func glCreateShader
could not load func glDeleteProgram
could not load func glDeleteShader
could not load func glDetachShader
could not load func glLinkProgram
could not load func glUseProgram
could not load func glValidateProgram
could not load func glGetActiveAttrib
could not load func glGetActiveUniform
could not load func glGetAttachedShaders
could not load func glGetAttribLocation
could not load func glGetProgramiv
could not load func glGetProgramInfoLog
could not load func glGetShaderiv
could not load func glGetShaderInfoLog
could not load func glGetShaderSource
could not load func glGetUniformfv
could not load func glGetUniformiv
could not load func glGetUniformLocation
could not load func glShaderSource
could not load func glStencilMaskSeparate
could not load func glBindBuffer
could not load func glBlendEquationSeparate
could not load func glBufferData
could not load func glBufferSubData
could not load func glDeleteBuffers
could not load func glGenBuffers
could not load func glGetBufferParameteriv
could not load func glIsBuffer
Starting emulator for AVD 'AVDEmulator'
extension WGL_ARB_make_current_read was not found
could not load func glBindBuffer
could not load func glBlendEquationSeparate
could not load func glBufferData
could not load func glBufferSubData
could not load func glDeleteBuffers
could not load func glGenBuffers
could not load func glGetBufferParameteriv
could not load func glIsBuffer
could not load func glStencilFuncSeparate
could not load func glIsProgram
emulator: warning: opening audio input failed
could not load func glIsShader
could not load func glVertexAttrib1f
could not load func glVertexAttrib1fv
could not load func glVertexAttrib2f
could not load func glVertexAttrib2fv
could not load func glVertexAttrib3f
could not load func glVertexAttrib3fv
could not load func glVertexAttrib4f
could not load func glVertexAttrib4fv
could not load func glVertexAttribPointer
could not load func glDisableVertexAttribArray
could not load func glEnableVertexAttribArray
could not load func glGetVertexAttribfv
could not load func glGetVertexAttribiv
could not load func glGetVertexAttribPointerv
could not load func glUniform1f
could not load func glUniform1fv
could not load func glUniform1i
could not load func glUniform1iv
could not load func glUniform2f
could not load func glUniform2fv
could not load func glUniform2i
could not load func glUniform2iv
could not load func glUniform3f
could not load func glUniform3fv
could not load func glUniform3i
could not load func glUniform3iv
could not load func glUniform4f
could not load func glUniform4fv
could not load func glUniform4i
could not load func glUniform4iv
could not load func glUniformMatrix2fv
could not load func glUniformMatrix3fv
could not load func glUniformMatrix4fv
could not load func glAttachShader
could not load func glBindAttribLocation
could not load func glCompileShader
could not load func glCreateProgram
could not load func glCreateShader
could not load func glDeleteProgram
could not load func glDeleteShader
could not load func glDetachShader
could not load func glLinkProgram
could not load func glUseProgram
could not load func glValidateProgram
could not load func glGetActiveAttrib
could not load func glGetActiveUniform
could not load func glGetAttachedShaders
could not load func glGetAttribLocation
could not load func glGetProgramiv
could not load func glGetProgramInfoLog
could not load func glGetShaderiv
could not load func glGetShaderInfoLog
could not load func glGetShaderSource
could not load func glGetUniformfv
could not load func glGetUniformiv
could not load func glGetUniformLocation
could not load func glShaderSource
could not load func glStencilMaskSeparate
could not load func glBindBuffer
could not load func glBlendEquationSeparate
could not load func glBufferData
could not load func glBufferSubData
could not load func glDeleteBuffers
could not load func glGenBuffers
could not load func glGetBufferParameteriv
could not load func glIsBuffer
./emulator -verbose -no-snapshot @FantainAVD -qemu -smp 1
I am seeing a crash with a floating point exception (see attached log). Attempted to use ./emulator-x86 with the same error. Completely stumped on the issue. Not sure what is going on. Please help.