Status Update
Comments <> #2
Does Studio display an error or give you a stacktrace? (check in the lower right corner for error icons) <> #3
Yes. I did not notice that. every time i press CTRL-SPACE for autocomplete it gives me AssertionError (see image) <> <> #4
It looks like something in the editor indexing code is tripping up on the presence of an HTML file (incognito_mode_start_page.html). Is this a file you have somewhere in your project? If so, where is it in the project? If not, is it in one of the libraries (if you're using open source libraries, would you mind telling me which projects you're using so I can try to reproduce it.) <> #5
By the way, as a workaround, try File > Invalidate Caches / Restart <> #6
No I do not have this file in my project. When I search for this file I can see that this file is part of Android API 19 (see image). If it helps here is a list of libraries in my project (I use only open source libraries, no extra libraries):
compile group: 'com.squareup.okhttp', name: 'okhttp', version: '1.2.1'
compile group: 'com.squareup.retrofit', name: 'retrofit', version: '1.2.2'
compile group: 'com.squareup.picasso', name: 'picasso', version: '2.1.+'
compile group: 'org.twitter4j', name: 'twitter4j-core', version: '3.0.3'
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
compile 'de.greenrobot:eventbus:2.0.2'
compile 'com.nostra13.universalimageloader:universal-image-loader:1.8.+'
compile project(':libraries:facebook')
compile project(':libraries:android_maps_extensions')
compile project(':libraries:viewpagerindicator')
compile files('libs/ActiveAndroid.jar')
compile group: 'com.squareup.okhttp', name: 'okhttp', version: '1.2.1'
compile group: 'com.squareup.retrofit', name: 'retrofit', version: '1.2.2'
compile group: 'com.squareup.picasso', name: 'picasso', version: '2.1.+'
compile group: 'org.twitter4j', name: 'twitter4j-core', version: '3.0.3'
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
compile 'de.greenrobot:eventbus:2.0.2'
compile 'com.nostra13.universalimageloader:universal-image-loader:1.8.+'
compile project(':libraries:facebook')
compile project(':libraries:android_maps_extensions')
compile project(':libraries:viewpagerindicator')
compile files('libs/ActiveAndroid.jar') <> #7
[Comment deleted] <> #8
Your workaround helped. Now it is working. Tnx for that. I would like to know why this happened? Did I do something to reproduce it? And can this be fixed without invalidating caches? <> #9
This is the kind of bug which can happen since we pull from IntelliJ dev builds every week; sometimes the binary caches change incompatibly, and while there are some safeguards to prevent this from getting corrupted, it sometimes happens. It shouldn't happen when upgrading from one stable version to another, but we're not there yet :-) <> #10
Will this ever be fixed? It's still an issue in AS <> #11
[Comment deleted]
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #12
Still broken on 1.3.2 for Support Library layout.
Google, please provide a stable development environment for your developers. I never lost any time with Eclipse, but have thrown days away since being forced to adopt AS.
Google, please provide a stable development environment for your developers. I never lost any time with Eclipse, but have thrown days away since being forced to adopt AS. <> #13
It's still an issue in AS 1.4.1. Are you kidding me? <> #14
got that problem in AS 1.5. no autocomplete when using design library.
oh no..
oh no.. <> #15
despite issue being closed/duplicate (??), get it on AS 1.5.1 when trying to discover cardview attributes
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
compile '' <> #16
[Comment deleted] <> #17
it's an issue for me as well with the latest AS, and specifically the preferences library... none of the proposed fixes do anything... <> #18
In my Android Studio AutoComplete is not working automatically wherein all my friends AS It does I have to Ctrl + Space For everything.
And Android Studio is not working like before As it is building its Gradle for about 10-15 minutes and then it gives an error.
I have also tried to uninstall android studio with SDK And All AS User settings But after installing it back it is happening same.
Please Give solution
And Android Studio is not working like before As it is building its Gradle for about 10-15 minutes and then it gives an error.
I have also tried to uninstall android studio with SDK And All AS User settings But after installing it back it is happening same.
Please Give solution <> #19
Hi friends am also facing same problem.....
In Android Studio 3.0 they are introduced (Power Save Mode) that's the Problem
SOL: Un tic power save mode it's working
power save mode option placed on right side down corner incognito symbol
In Android Studio 3.0 they are introduced (Power Save Mode) that's the Problem
SOL: Un tic power save mode it's working
power save mode option placed on right side down corner incognito symbol <> #20
As of latest release the bug is still valid. Tried all other workarounds mentioned here, nothing works. Not sure how i'll complete the rest of the project <> #21
I've had the same problem with the styles.xml file (didn't try the other files): Intellisense was not working. I've removed all of the dependencies and now it works. Now I'll put back every dependency and remove them one by one to see which is causing the bug. <> #22
I've found 3 dependencies which I use and causes Intellisense not to work in xml files:
com.takisoft.fix:preference-v7: (This contains '', so it seems only the support libs are bad)
As a temporary solution we can //comment these dependencies while we're working with xml files. The real solution would be to convince the Google team to work more and improve their tools and libs, from which I'm not sure if it will ever happen, since I already have 3 bug reports here, and non of them got any attention, as you can see in the screenshot
com.takisoft.fix:preference-v7: (This contains '', so it seems only the support libs are bad)
As a temporary solution we can //comment these dependencies while we're working with xml files. The real solution would be to convince the Google team to work more and improve their tools and libs, from which I'm not sure if it will ever happen, since I already have 3 bug reports here, and non of them got any attention, as you can see in the screenshot <> #23
I've created a new issue for it to see if something is going to happen..
Here you can find it:
Here you can find it: <> #24
Autocomplete in my project has stopped working in xml files
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #25
Autocomplete is not working in xml files after updating to Android studio version 3.3.1 <> #26
Has anyone found a solution for the Autocomplete on xml files, after updating to Android studio to 3.3.1? <> <> #27
I'm sorry for your experience, let me try to understand what's wrong here.
- Can someone paste concrete repro steps? What file are you editing, where's the cursor, what completion would you expect and what are you getting?
- Can you see the issue in a newly created project or an open-source project that you could share with us?
- What version of the Android Gradle Plugin are you using?
- Is this tied to support lib 27.1.1? Does it work with other versions, like support lib 28.0.0 with target SDK 28?
Thank you in advance for any additional info :)
- Can someone paste concrete repro steps? What file are you editing, where's the cursor, what completion would you expect and what are you getting?
- Can you see the issue in a newly created project or an open-source project that you could share with us?
- What version of the Android Gradle Plugin are you using?
- Is this tied to support lib 27.1.1? Does it work with other versions, like support lib 28.0.0 with target SDK 28?
Thank you in advance for any additional info :) <> #28
I'll close this bug, it seems different (possibly unrelated) issues were mentioned here over the years. Please file new bugs for your individual issues. <> #29
It's still an issue in android 3.4.2
It is showing "No Suggestions" when filling in the XML Files and nothing seems to work.
It is showing "No Suggestions" when filling in the XML Files and nothing seems to work. <> #30
I`m facing this same issue on Android Studio 3.4.2. Anyone solved it in your environment? <> #31
Same issue in 3.5. <> #32
Please file new bugs for your particular problems, so we can investigate them separately. <> #33
Same issue in 3.6. Seems to be related to support library xml classes only. <> #34
The same issue in 3.6.2. The previous version also has the same issue, so I waiting for the update. But still, I have the issue... :(
XML pages have this issue, not for the java class files.
XML pages have this issue, not for the java class files. <> <> #36
Hi, regarding
So I've a few questions:
- Are you having trouble with only support library classes showing up, as in the StackOverflow link?
- Does the project have any AndroidX libraries as dependencies?
- In you project level, do you have android.useAndroidX=true and/or android.enableJetifier=true set?
Thanks! <> <> #37
My guess is this is resolved, but hard to diagnose for some. I ran into this problem when a module didn't include the necessary library. AS sorta acts like it sees the class being declared when typed manually, but it doesn't do auto-completion. Adding the dependency for the particular module resolved. Some better failure or messaging during compile might help close this completely. <> #38
I have not seen any new reports for this particular bug so I'll close it now. If you have any new reports about completion stopping to work, please comment here and I'll re-open the bug.
Thanks! <> #39
Still not giving code suggestions in XML also Layout manager is only showing attributes I have declared in XML file Please see attachment for reference <> #40
Comment has been deleted. <> #41
Comment has been deleted. <> #42
Just experienced the same problem across all projects .... followed many of the suggestions on Stackoverflow and the one that worked for me is summarised below:
Close Android Studio
Opened folder C:\Users\yourUsername\AppData\Local\Google\AndroidStudio2020.3
Delete the folder called caches
Restarted Android Studio and autocomplete working again
Close Android Studio
Opened folder C:\Users\yourUsername\AppData\Local\Google\AndroidStudio2020.3
Delete the folder called caches
Restarted Android Studio and autocomplete working again
OS version: Mavericks
Java JRE/JDK version: 1.7.0_45
SDK build tools version: 19
Gradle plugin: 0.6.+
Autocomplete in my project has stopped working in xml files (see screenshot what happens). This has to be project related because this works in other projects. Also, I have tried this project on different computers and it is working normal. It just doesn't work on my computer and on this project. I also can not create a new layout resource file. When I right click on layout folder and go to new -> Layout resource file nothing happens, I do not get a pop up which asks me for a file name. I asume that this is Intellij bug because I have tried to delete .idea folder and it started to work but after 5 minutes it stopped.
I have tried:
- Close project and reimport it
- Close project and open it
- Delete .idea folder and reimport project
- Open project on another computer create zip file and open project on my computer
- Open project on another computer create zip file and import project on my computer
- Go back to studio 0.3.1 and import project