Status Update
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #2
The rate limiter was an intentional introduction in Jelly Bean (4.1) and the settings can not be altered by users. Device manufacturers have the ability to alter this limit in their firmware, but they have to balance heavy texters against protecting users against malicious premium rate SMS sending applications.
You may wish to contact your device manufacturer to see if they can raise the limit in their firmware.
You may wish to contact your device manufacturer to see if they can raise the limit in their firmware.
wo...@gmail.com <wo...@gmail.com> #3
OK, just as information I'm a Galaxy Nexus user therefore writing this here instead anywhere else.
However the 'protection' mechanism is plain wrong - instead of dealing with malicious software in the market end-users are 'punished' with such limitations ruining the, otherwise great, experience of using Android. Also it won't help with such limitations because any malicious software can be aware of such restrictions thus pacing the rate of sending premium texts to avoid being noticed by the user (until the bill comes or one runs out of credit on pre-paid) and even if Google set this to hilarious 1 text per hour user still could not be aware that anything is wrong because noone is keeping track of their texting timing.
Bottomline - such restriction won't help nor solve the problem but can only be highly annoying to regular users.
However the 'protection' mechanism is plain wrong - instead of dealing with malicious software in the market end-users are 'punished' with such limitations ruining the, otherwise great, experience of using Android. Also it won't help with such limitations because any malicious software can be aware of such restrictions thus pacing the rate of sending premium texts to avoid being noticed by the user (until the bill comes or one runs out of credit on pre-paid) and even if Google set this to hilarious 1 text per hour user still could not be aware that anything is wrong because noone is keeping track of their texting timing.
Bottomline - such restriction won't help nor solve the problem but can only be highly annoying to regular users.
ga...@gmail.com <ga...@gmail.com> #4
Completely agree with wojek.k. Terrible user-experience. I have unlimited texts so why would I care if I've been sending a lot of text messages. Soon we'll have to answer security questions to send a text message...
bu...@gmail.com <bu...@gmail.com> #5
Ive gotten it a few times now and it's very irritating. Im part of the text generation and friends and I trigger off text messages like crazy, especially with those that aren't on G+. How am I suppose to text someone I like (wink) only to get cockblocked from Android itself. #fail
at...@gmail.com <at...@gmail.com> #6
That is probably the worst "feature" I've ever seen on a phone. Why would a phone EVER limit its usage for anything? I pay for unlimited texting and I pay for my phone, why should I have to deal with this? No other phone, including the iPhone, has such a stupid limit. Clearly this does nothing to prevent spam. Please, AT LEAST let the end-user decide if they want that limit or not. It's just stupid.
de...@gmail.com <de...@gmail.com> #7
I believe that the this feature should be an option allowing users to either limit or not limit their number of texts. In my opinion that would be the best for of action. But if it is not possible to remove/bypass it, can you tell us how to remove it in our custom roms.
ka...@gmail.com <ka...@gmail.com> #8
I agree with others here. This is a HORRIBLE implementation. I'm not even a heavy texter, but occasionally I WILL send out eg. a party invite to a group of friends, easily passing the limit of "allowed" messages (especially since a long message will count as 2-6 messages all by itself times perhaps 10 invites.
If this was at least user-definabale (like the "allow non-market apps to install" option, that would be one thing. You'd "protect" the non-savvy users, while allowing me and others to keep using our phone as we want to, but making it hard-coded like this is EXTREMELY annoying. And yes - I too have a Galaxy Nexus so I can't "talk to my carrier" - I got it precisely because I wanted the full android experience - not to get friggen told how I can't use my own phone by it.
If this was at least user-definabale (like the "allow non-market apps to install" option, that would be one thing. You'd "protect" the non-savvy users, while allowing me and others to keep using our phone as we want to, but making it hard-coded like this is EXTREMELY annoying. And yes - I too have a Galaxy Nexus so I can't "talk to my carrier" - I got it precisely because I wanted the full android experience - not to get friggen told how I can't use my own phone by it.
ed...@gmail.com <ed...@gmail.com> #9
I called Samsung Canada about this issue and their response is that it's not something they can fix and only google can fix it. Super annoying.
de...@gmail.com <de...@gmail.com> #10
Well I fixed the problem on my device but requires cwm. Basically it overwrites the limit Google has to 500 texts an hour per app
wo...@gmail.com <wo...@gmail.com> #11
Could you share the solution? Still - it's temporary and doesnt' really solve anything, but it would be nice to don't have to deal with it for the moment...
wo...@gmail.com <wo...@gmail.com> #13
Unfortunatelly mentioned fix doesn't seem to work (for me at least)... and this 'feautre' just cause slight problem because message wasn't sent and the dialog appeared and was dismissed because I didn't click 'allow' (and clicking any other place dismiss any dialog in android)...
za...@gmail.com <za...@gmail.com> #14
This "feature" really is absolutely insane. I can't believe it. If you're going to have something like this hard coded then it CAN'T be a flat rate to fit hundreds of thousands of different users! At the very least it should be a learned average, unique to each device, based on THE USER'S personal rate of texting. Even if this was implemented through the service provider based on past billing information (average texts per month, overages, unlimited data plans), that would be a great improvement.
But of course, like everyone else has said, most importantly.. IT NEEDS AN "OFF" SETTING
But of course, like everyone else has said, most importantly.. IT NEEDS AN "OFF" SETTING
da...@dancysoft.com <da...@dancysoft.com> #15
Really bad user experience. :-(
gw...@gmail.com <gw...@gmail.com> #16
Wow.Didn't expect such daft compulsory restrictions from Android.
gw...@gmail.com <gw...@gmail.com> #17
I don't expect this to get sorted. Which upsets me. Mainly because my girlfriend just got the message and I'll get the blame for recommending her the Nexus 4.
za...@gmail.com <za...@gmail.com> #18
I agree with other posters, this is a terrible user experience. There should at least be an option to INCREASE the limit of SMS messages you can send without getting this warning message. I have unlimited text messaging and i'm constantly annoyed by this warning message that pops up. Please fix this!
kw...@gmail.com <kw...@gmail.com> #19
I found a couple places that deal with this issue.
I haven't tested any of these myself, but if I do, it'll be the last one designed for Gingerbread.
I haven't tested any of these myself, but if I do, it'll be the last one designed for Gingerbread.
pa...@rice.me <pa...@rice.me> #20
I tried to send a number of messages to my friends wishing them a Happy New Year. Mindful of how the Networks crash around midnight, I therefore did this at 7pm, some FIVE hours early.
It was a complete and utter waste of time, as only around lunchtime the NEXT DAY, New Year's Day, did I for some reason only THEN start seeing these Sending Warning pop up acknowledgments.
What a disaster, especially as my messages to the hundreds of friends alluded to why I was sending the message so EARLY. A message they only actually got on New Year's Day afternoon, much LATER than those sent from users of any other device...
That utterly reined what I hoped to achieve, and really put a bug downer on my New Year.
I could say I suppose I see why they have introduced this feature, and then say that the problem is one of getting the balanced and limit correct, and that they are a million miles apart here, but in truth, I can accept it at all an ANY level...
Ive used Android since the original G1... If it's never been a real problem for anyone all this long time, how does it now justify a change that DOES however, negatively impacts so many. And that's putting it mildly...
It was a complete and utter waste of time, as only around lunchtime the NEXT DAY, New Year's Day, did I for some reason only THEN start seeing these Sending Warning pop up acknowledgments.
What a disaster, especially as my messages to the hundreds of friends alluded to why I was sending the message so EARLY. A message they only actually got on New Year's Day afternoon, much LATER than those sent from users of any other device...
That utterly reined what I hoped to achieve, and really put a bug downer on my New Year.
I could say I suppose I see why they have introduced this feature, and then say that the problem is one of getting the balanced and limit correct, and that they are a million miles apart here, but in truth, I can accept it at all an ANY level...
Ive used Android since the original G1... If it's never been a real problem for anyone all this long time, how does it now justify a change that DOES however, negatively impacts so many. And that's putting it mildly...
pa...@rice.me <pa...@rice.me> #21
CAN'T, not *can* in my previous post. "I CAN'T accept it at all...."
ch...@gmail.com <ch...@gmail.com> #22
Agreed. Completely horrible user experience.
cr...@gmail.com <cr...@gmail.com> #23
I just got this message for the first time after receiving my Nexus 4 yesterday. Unbelievable that this has been added. Really annoying and it's a bit disappointing that the limit can't be tweaked.
ad...@gmail.com <ad...@gmail.com> #24
I thought android was an open handset alliance project!
ho...@googlemail.com <ho...@googlemail.com> #25
This issue has been raised by my girlfriend on her nexus 4 and by myself, it is ridiculous please make it an in-app setting.
bu...@gmail.com <bu...@gmail.com> #26
I think it's a good idea but further tweaking is needed, such as allowing a silence period of 15 minutes before triggering another prompt
ma...@gmail.com <ma...@gmail.com> #27
If you install a 3rd party messaging app then you don't have to worry about it
ho...@googlemail.com <ho...@googlemail.com> #28
It is an operating system message, so even with 3rd party messenger apps this occurs. The problem is within android not the messenger app
wo...@gmail.com <wo...@gmail.com> #29
Exactly - only the message will change to "X is sending a large amount of messages" (substitute X with with app name)
ma...@gmail.com <ma...@gmail.com> #30
Well I use gosmspro and the message warning stops
ma...@gmail.com <ma...@gmail.com> #31
[Comment deleted]
ma...@gmail.com <ma...@gmail.com> #32
Make sure you disable the stock messaging app
ma...@gmail.com <ma...@gmail.com> #33
[Comment deleted]
wo...@gmail.com <wo...@gmail.com> #34
@31 you are right - if you disable stock messaging app the error is gone!
ma...@gmail.com <ma...@gmail.com> #35
Thank you thank you.
ma...@gmail.com <ma...@gmail.com> #36
You are using nexus 4 right? How are you liking it?
mr...@gmail.com <mr...@gmail.com> #37
i dont have rooted phone how to disable stock messaging app? thanks
pa...@gmail.com <pa...@gmail.com> #38
Just go to your application screen through settings and clear the cache for the messaging app. This makes the popup go away :)
Just go to your application screen through settings and clear the cache for the messaging app. This makes the popup go away :)
al...@gmail.com <al...@gmail.com> #39
Is there any way to automate this?
mp...@gmail.com <mp...@gmail.com> #40
It would be Really Nice if the user could at least __temporarily__ increase the limit for some particular duration: Say increase from 30 to 300 for, say the next 48 hours. It's Really Annoying since you must Stop Everything just contend with the pop-up and you have to do this over and over. Give the user the flexibility to at least temporarily over-ride this "feature".
ba...@gmail.com <ba...@gmail.com> #41
Yes! I routinely need to send a message to 44 people in an a emergency situation, and need to click "YES" 34 times. This is just plain STUPID.
cm...@gmail.com <cm...@gmail.com> #42
I'd like to add my voice to this. This feature is REALLY ANNOYING and the fact that I have no control over it on my phone is more annoying still. Put the limit in place if you must but give the user the ability to control it. Epic fail, IMHO.
cr...@gmail.com <cr...@gmail.com> #43
i just picked up a nexus 4 for the purpose of mas texting my 200 plus students any changes to class etc. My old HTC inspire did it fine, but now my "fancy NEXUS 4" wont?
ki...@gmail.com <ki...@gmail.com> #44
I'm in a similar situation to a few people here. I recommended the Nexus 4 to my girlfriend and now I am getting the blame for a supremely irritating pop-up that seems to have been implemented to fix a problem that doesn't exist.
I find it ridiculous that I am now going to have to void her warranty by rooting her phone just to get rid of this thing. What the shit, Google?
I find it ridiculous that I am now going to have to void her warranty by rooting her phone just to get rid of this thing. What the shit, Google?
hs...@gmail.com <hs...@gmail.com> #45
when google is going to fix this limit issue..??
ha...@gmail.com <ha...@gmail.com> #46
how do you fix it
ba...@gmail.com <ba...@gmail.com> #47
Does anyone know if this has been fixed in KitKat?
cd...@gmail.com <cd...@gmail.com> #48
Has anyone tried a third party SMS client such as Textra SMS? I've heard that it has no group messaging limits; however I have nowhere near enough contacts to test it out with. I know that it may be a pain to not be able to use the stock messaging app; however, that's probably the only way to fix it until we find out whether Hangouts SMS has the same limitations.
ba...@gmail.com <ba...@gmail.com> #49
Textra has the same problem. Tge limit is something built into Android Jelly Bean.
cd...@gmail.com <cd...@gmail.com> #50
Oh, OK. I didn't know it was actually a built in problem. Oh well, hopefully Google changed it in 4.4, and if they didn't, that's a big bummer.
as...@gmail.com <as...@gmail.com> #51
Google when are you going to fix this problem? Such a stupid decision. The whole point of android is having flexibility and understanding a user is intelligent enough to make a decision in whether this is what they want to use.
At least have the ability available for those of us to change it. Search on google and you will find many people have the same problem.
At least have the ability available for those of us to change it. Search on google and you will find many people have the same problem.
ba...@gmail.com <ba...@gmail.com> #52
Jesus, just remove or give us the opportunity to change the Sms sending limit...
ms...@gmail.com <ms...@gmail.com> #53
yeah. . . .change this feature. . . .or give us the power to change it
pe...@gmail.com <pe...@gmail.com> #54
Yes, please remove this feature
te...@gmail.com <te...@gmail.com> #55
Get rid of this shit
ba...@gmail.com <ba...@gmail.com> #56
Follow up: this one if the main reasons I've abandoned Android (after four devices) for a Blackberry. My smartphone is an essential communication tool. If it can't
sp...@gmail.com <sp...@gmail.com> #57
I'm with everyone else. This is a horrible implementation of this "feature". This crap won't stop anything. Besides, if there were a malicious program sending repeated texts that triggered this, wouldn't this just make it impossible to do anything about? A message repeatedly popping up asking if I give it permissions to send? Who has this problem anyway? I install all kinds of random crap from the market and have never had a single app attempt to send a text. I understand that doesn't mean that it doesn't happen but I'm just saying this is a terrible solution to a very minute problem.
You should at least have a whitelist or something available. The default texting app is giving me this message... What genius came up with this as a solution?!
You should at least have a whitelist or something available. The default texting app is giving me this message... What genius came up with this as a solution?!
st...@gmail.com <st...@gmail.com> #58
We are users AND customers, not children... implement the feature by all means but allow the grown ups to control it and turn it off if they wish... this isn't Apple for gods sake!
God bless the Nanny state
God bless the Nanny state
Br...@yahoo.com <Br...@yahoo.com> #59
So other than switching to an IPhone, wtf am I suppose to do? I just got a brand new phone, I have been with Verizon since my first phone 20 years ago...and they didnt even try to explain it, or try to help me. They just said they apologize and I should try to not send as many txts. I have sent 40 txts...I sent a few on my lunch break, and the phone started prompting me every message...even when I turned it off, it did the same thing. I dont understand, on my previous 5 smartphones or however many I have never seen this.
sh...@gmail.com <sh...@gmail.com> #60
This is a very annoying and useless 'feature'. The whole point of Android was to give more freedom, but something as basic as SMS being restricted somehow makes sense to the Android devs! Without even giving a choice?!
Another bad, bad decision. Seems to be a trend with Google as of late, this.
Another bad, bad decision. Seems to be a trend with Google as of late, this.
en...@google.com <en...@google.com>
mi...@gmail.com <mi...@gmail.com> #61
This is still occurring for the Galaxy Nexus.
ch...@gmail.com <ch...@gmail.com> #62
I solved this issue. I bought an iPhone. Never happens anymore :-D
no...@gmail.com <no...@gmail.com> #63
Why this is marked as obsolete?
re...@gmail.com <re...@gmail.com> #64
this is not obslolete please change the status
as...@gmail.com <as...@gmail.com> #65
Agreed, this is not obselete!
no...@gmail.com <no...@gmail.com> #66
What a stupid "feature"!!! So, the "write, send and forget" was the golden age? I can't text anymore while in the subway! And you know what? The same sh*t happens with Hangouts : "unable to send, tap to retry"!
What's next? Gmail?
What's next? Gmail?
"Messaging is sending a large amount of messages"
and option to [Allow] or [Dismiss]
Same goes for any other SMS application (i.e. Go SMS Pro)
I had no luck identifying the condition that would trigger the prompt beside more intensive texting (think: like a chat in the gTalk)
This started after upgrade to 4.1.1 (previously on 4.0.4 this wasn't happening).
No need to mention that this is highly annoying for a hard-texter that sends way more than 1k texts per month?