Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
Additional details: on the 2nd call to bundleRelease, even though nothing changed, the bundlerelease task still runs with
Executing task ':bundleRelease' (up-to-date check took 0.001 secs) due to:
Input file /.../gradle-2.14-lib-bug/build/intermediates/bundles/release/libs has been added.
Input file /.../gradle-2.14-lib-bug/build/intermediates/bundles/release/jni has been added.
Input file /.../gradle-2.14-lib-bug/build/intermediates/bundles/release/classes.jar has been added.
:bundleRelease (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) completed. Took 0.009 secs.
So it looks like it's missing input changes the first time it runs after a change, but it's also broken when it runs a first no-op build right after a regular build.
Executing task ':bundleRelease' (up-to-date check took 0.001 secs) due to:
Input file /.../gradle-2.14-lib-bug/build/intermediates/bundles/release/libs has been added.
Input file /.../gradle-2.14-lib-bug/build/intermediates/bundles/release/jni has been added.
Input file /.../gradle-2.14-lib-bug/build/intermediates/bundles/release/classes.jar has been added.
:bundleRelease (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) completed. Took 0.009 secs.
So it looks like it's missing input changes the first time it runs after a change, but it's also broken when it runs a first no-op build right after a regular build. <> #3
BTW the bundleRelease task is a standard Gradle Zip task. <> #4
Yup, it looks as if the UP-TO-DATE status is from the *previous* build. Maybe it gets computed at configuration, not execution time? Would explain why it's always lagging behind. <> #5
I pinged the Gradle folks, because clearly it's on their end. <> #6
Is there an issue opened on the gradle bug tracker for this? <> #7
this is not a beta blocker, it is just preventing us from upgrading to 2.14 since Gradle broke the dependency management. <> #8
Here's the issue in the Gradle issue tracker:
We're prepping a 2.14.1 to fix this.
We're prepping a 2.14.1 to fix this. <> #9
Removing beta blocker flag as this is a Gradle issue. Workaround is to not use Gradle 2.14 for now. <> #10
Raymond will own the Gradle 2.14.1 integration in both 2.1 and 2.2/dev branches. <> #11
Confirmed 2.14.1-rc-1 fixed the issue. Will update to 2.14.1 when released. <> #12
Gradle 2.14.1 is now released. Please use that instead:
Closing this bug.
Closing this bug.
This only happens with Gradle 2.14 (2.14-rc-1 inclusive). Bug was observed on Android Gradle plugin 1.5.0, 2.1.0, 2.1.2, 2.2.0-alpha3.
Steps to reproduce with the attached project:
1) ./gradlew :clean :bundleRelease
2) ./gradlew :bundleRelease
3) any change to # example: sed -i '' 's/foo/bar/' src/main/java/
4) ./gradlew :bundleRelease <-- bundleRelease is UP-TO-DATE, this is wrong