Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
A link to another sample project demonstrating that the leak only happens when using: LocationServices.FusedLocationApi.requestLocationUpdates but does not happen using a deprecated method: googleMap.setOnMyLocationChangeListener. <> #3
Hello, I'm also experiencing the memory leak in my activity responsible for the location service.
The implementation of my project is not different from the example project attached by fernando.
The implementation of my project is not different from the example project attached by fernando. <> #4
FYI this memory leak also seems to exist when using the new FusedLocationProviderClient. I took Fernano's sample from comment #2 and hacked it up to use the FusedLocationProviderClient and was still able to observe the leak upon exiting the activity. <> #5
Leak still present in 2019 on latest play-services-location 16.0.0. 3+ years since first reported via linked Github issue, no fix or hint of acknowledgment. Clown college grade software engineering.
When putting the app into multi window mode, the MapView is blank when the app is not focused. The MapView should still display the map when the fragment is paused.
Attached is a sample project to demonstrate the issue.
* Developer Preview Build: NPD56N
* Device: Nexus 6P
* What are the steps to reproduce the problem? Using the sample app, put the app into multi window mode by long pressing on the recents button. The map will be blank. Tapping on the app to focus will enable the map again.
* What was the expected result?
The MapView should still display the map after onPause is called.
* What was the actual result?
After onPause is called, the MapView is blank.