Status Update
Comments <> #2
could you add --profile to your builds so we first determine where the time is being spent.
In the IDE, go to Settings --> Compiler --> Command Line Options and add --profile
then build/reports you will find the profiling report to send.
In the IDE, go to Settings --> Compiler --> Command Line Options and add --profile
then build/reports you will find the profiling report to send.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #3
Sorry this took so long.
Attached is a profile of a 13 minute build.
Attached is a profile of a 13 minute build. <> #4
11 minutes of dexing... can you remove all the dexOptions (delete the block) and check whether or not it has any influence on your build time.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #5
What are you looking for exactly? These crazy long 8+ minute builds only happen occasionally. Are you wanting to know if it impacts our normal build times, or the crazy 8+ minute build times?
We're about to swap to Android plugin 1.1.2. Should we expect 1.1.2 to fix any of these issues?
We're about to swap to Android plugin 1.1.2. Should we expect 1.1.2 to fix any of these issues? <> #6
ah so it's not happening all the time, I suspect this is a memory leak in the Gradle daemon and it's trashing.
try to disable the dexInProcess
by setting it to FALSE and check if your slow builds happen ?
try to disable the dexInProcess
by setting it to FALSE and check if your slow builds happen ? <> #7
to Michal to investigate possible leaks in the dexing in process.
Android Plugin Version: 2.1.0
Android Studio Build number: AI-143.2821654
Builds in Android Studio often take longer with instant run enabled than without.
Prior to Instant Run, my clean builds would take ~1min30sec, and then ~25sec or `40sec after that depending on the change.
After upgrading to 2.1.1 for instant run, incremental, and dexInProcess, my team and I are finding that my builds are sometimes small short quick 6-10 second builds as Instant Run promises, but are mostly 40+ seconds, and sometimes can even be 8-13 minutes long (!!!). My team and I feel that instant run has dramatically decreased our overall productivity, because are builds seem to be consistently taking longer than normal, with the occasional faster build.
Here are our build settings:
multiDexEnabled true
dexOptions {
preDexLibraries true
javaMaxHeapSize "4g"
maxProcessCount 4
incremental true
dexInProcess true
org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx6g -XX:MaxPermSize=512m