Specifying -printmapping in proguard-rules.pro has no effect in generating mapping file in new Android Studio (tested on 2.0.0-beta5 and 2.1.0-alpha3 )
In previous Android Studio versions mapping file specified using printmapping got generated at the root folder of the project. Mapping file is generated in a default location at build/output folder but it ignores printmapping option so now you cannot give it a custom name or location at build time.
Inside build.gradle:
buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled true
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'
Inside proguard-rules.pro:
-printmapping proguard-mapping.txt
In previous Android Studio versions mapping file specified using printmapping got generated at the root folder of the project. Mapping file is generated in a default location at build/output folder but it ignores printmapping option so now you cannot give it a custom name or location at build time.