Status Update
Comments <> #2
I am getting the same problem after the latest update... <> #3
I think this might be the same as issue 36949180 . As mentioned in the comments there, try:
As a temporary workaround, try turning off Preferences > Compiler > Use External Build.
As a temporary workaround, try turning off Preferences > Compiler > Use External Build. <> #4
Deleting the out folder before rebuilding solves the problem <> #5
turning off Preferences > Compiler > Use External Build doesn't work if you have other modules as dependencies.
Version used: 23.2.0
Theme used: All
Devices/Android versions reproduced on: All
According to the Material Design spec, "After a list item is selected, that item changes color to match the app’s primary color (or #000000 100%) to indicate selection."
However, in the design library 23.2.0 this behavior has changed.
It now uses R.attr.colorControlActivated - which corresponds to R.attr.colorAccent by default - instead of R.attr.colorPrimary.
The NavigationView should follow the Material Design guidelines.