Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
Project: platform/frameworks/support
Branch: androidx-main
commit b6c7c78f9e7476b468dafe9d5f7dec6794d47f09
Author: Shahd AbuDaghash <>
Date: Mon Nov 27 11:16:51 2023
Introduce DecayAnimation in AnchoredDraggable
Decay animation allows more realistic settling of a component. This is performed by now passing a `DecayAnimationSpec` parameter to AnchoredDraggable and using it when animating to the target. The new animation implementation will be added in a chain CL.
Bug: 288084801
Test: Tests will be added in a chain CL
Relnote: This change adds a `decayAnimationSpec` parameter to AnchoredDraggable allowing to use decay animation when settling to one of the anchors. The change also includes renaming the existing `animationSpec` to `snapAnimationSpec` to help understanding the use case of each spec.
Change-Id: I44ccd408d919328fd6504d31d8db59cf1d07de43
M compose/foundation/foundation/api/current.txt
M compose/foundation/foundation/api/restricted_current.txt
M compose/foundation/foundation/samples/src/main/java/androidx/compose/foundation/samples/AnchoredDraggableSample.kt
M compose/foundation/foundation/src/androidInstrumentedTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/foundation/anchoredDraggable/AnchoredDraggableGestureTest.kt
M compose/foundation/foundation/src/androidInstrumentedTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/foundation/anchoredDraggable/AnchoredDraggableStateTest.kt
M compose/foundation/foundation/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/foundation/gestures/AnchoredDraggable.kt
Branch: androidx-main
commit b6c7c78f9e7476b468dafe9d5f7dec6794d47f09
Author: Shahd AbuDaghash <>
Date: Mon Nov 27 11:16:51 2023
Introduce DecayAnimation in AnchoredDraggable
Decay animation allows more realistic settling of a component. This is performed by now passing a `DecayAnimationSpec` parameter to AnchoredDraggable and using it when animating to the target. The new animation implementation will be added in a chain CL.
Bug: 288084801
Test: Tests will be added in a chain CL
Relnote: This change adds a `decayAnimationSpec` parameter to AnchoredDraggable allowing to use decay animation when settling to one of the anchors. The change also includes renaming the existing `animationSpec` to `snapAnimationSpec` to help understanding the use case of each spec.
Change-Id: I44ccd408d919328fd6504d31d8db59cf1d07de43
M compose/foundation/foundation/api/current.txt
M compose/foundation/foundation/api/restricted_current.txt
M compose/foundation/foundation/samples/src/main/java/androidx/compose/foundation/samples/AnchoredDraggableSample.kt
M compose/foundation/foundation/src/androidInstrumentedTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/foundation/anchoredDraggable/AnchoredDraggableGestureTest.kt
M compose/foundation/foundation/src/androidInstrumentedTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/foundation/anchoredDraggable/AnchoredDraggableStateTest.kt
M compose/foundation/foundation/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/foundation/gestures/AnchoredDraggable.kt <> #3
Project: platform/frameworks/support
Branch: androidx-main
commit 365993d1a90c27704b71f6bee042a1749314a4b1
Author: Shahd AbuDaghash <>
Date: Tue Nov 28 10:49:56 2023
Add tests for Animation in AnchoredDraggable
Added tests to check for different settling behaviors.
Bug: 288084801
Test: Added tests to verify behavior.
Change-Id: I369b30c69f7c29f676ae0671fef25c38ff3c74cb
M compose/foundation/foundation/src/androidInstrumentedTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/foundation/anchoredDraggable/AnchoredDraggableStateTest.kt
Branch: androidx-main
commit 365993d1a90c27704b71f6bee042a1749314a4b1
Author: Shahd AbuDaghash <>
Date: Tue Nov 28 10:49:56 2023
Add tests for Animation in AnchoredDraggable
Added tests to check for different settling behaviors.
Bug: 288084801
Test: Added tests to verify behavior.
Change-Id: I369b30c69f7c29f676ae0671fef25c38ff3c74cb
M compose/foundation/foundation/src/androidInstrumentedTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/foundation/anchoredDraggable/AnchoredDraggableStateTest.kt <> #4
Project: platform/frameworks/support
Branch: androidx-main
commit ff1a600df5f4d8ae21a75d8e3e0f24d6c5c2faee
Author: Shahd AbuDaghash <>
Date: Mon Nov 27 15:51:12 2023
Modify settle function to perform decay animation if possible
When settling, a check will be performed to see if natural decay animation can be used. If not so, a target animation will be used. The consumed velocity is returned to the settle function, which could be used to show an overscroll effect.
Bug: 288084801
Test: Tests will be added in a chain CL.
Relnote: This change introduces a new `animateToWithDecay` function that naturally decays if possible. It takes the target value and the initial velocity. The `animateTo` functions no longer takes a velocity, but passes the available velocity in `lastVelocity` to animation, as it is concerned with reaching the target. If users need to pass a certain velocity for animation, they can use `animateToWithDecay` function.
Change-Id: I465dbd826e3969b784d08c65425f4bbda3de8493
M compose/foundation/foundation/api/current.txt
M compose/foundation/foundation/api/restricted_current.txt
M compose/foundation/foundation/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/foundation/gestures/AnchoredDraggable.kt
Branch: androidx-main
commit ff1a600df5f4d8ae21a75d8e3e0f24d6c5c2faee
Author: Shahd AbuDaghash <>
Date: Mon Nov 27 15:51:12 2023
Modify settle function to perform decay animation if possible
When settling, a check will be performed to see if natural decay animation can be used. If not so, a target animation will be used. The consumed velocity is returned to the settle function, which could be used to show an overscroll effect.
Bug: 288084801
Test: Tests will be added in a chain CL.
Relnote: This change introduces a new `animateToWithDecay` function that naturally decays if possible. It takes the target value and the initial velocity. The `animateTo` functions no longer takes a velocity, but passes the available velocity in `lastVelocity` to animation, as it is concerned with reaching the target. If users need to pass a certain velocity for animation, they can use `animateToWithDecay` function.
Change-Id: I465dbd826e3969b784d08c65425f4bbda3de8493
M compose/foundation/foundation/api/current.txt
M compose/foundation/foundation/api/restricted_current.txt
M compose/foundation/foundation/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/foundation/gestures/AnchoredDraggable.kt <> #5
Project: platform/frameworks/support
Branch: androidx-main
commit 01142ddd5b14eb33e5145c4e72e6619a5c100fe4
Author: Shahd AbuDaghash <>
Date: Thu Dec 21 12:34:00 2023
Introduce Overscroll in AnchoredDraggable
Adding overscroll support to AnchoredDraggable by giving the ability to pass a customized overscrollEffect object to AnchoredDraggable.
Bug: 288084801
Relnote: An OverscrollEffect has been introduced to allow for custom overscroll effects in anchoredDraggable. To retrieve the consumed velocity after animation, the consumed velocity is returned from the settle function.
Test: Added tests to verify behavior
Change-Id: I100683fe7473b1e5ff317ab22245a2b0a25bd549
M compose/foundation/foundation/api/current.txt
M compose/foundation/foundation/api/restricted_current.txt
M compose/foundation/foundation/integration-tests/foundation-demos/src/main/java/androidx/compose/foundation/demos/AnchoredDraggableDemo.kt
M compose/foundation/foundation/samples/src/main/java/androidx/compose/foundation/samples/AnchoredDraggableSample.kt
A compose/foundation/foundation/src/androidInstrumentedTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/foundation/anchoredDraggable/AnchoredDraggableOverscrollTest.kt
M compose/foundation/foundation/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/foundation/gestures/AnchoredDraggable.kt
Branch: androidx-main
commit 01142ddd5b14eb33e5145c4e72e6619a5c100fe4
Author: Shahd AbuDaghash <>
Date: Thu Dec 21 12:34:00 2023
Introduce Overscroll in AnchoredDraggable
Adding overscroll support to AnchoredDraggable by giving the ability to pass a customized overscrollEffect object to AnchoredDraggable.
Bug: 288084801
Relnote: An OverscrollEffect has been introduced to allow for custom overscroll effects in anchoredDraggable. To retrieve the consumed velocity after animation, the consumed velocity is returned from the settle function.
Test: Added tests to verify behavior
Change-Id: I100683fe7473b1e5ff317ab22245a2b0a25bd549
M compose/foundation/foundation/api/current.txt
M compose/foundation/foundation/api/restricted_current.txt
M compose/foundation/foundation/integration-tests/foundation-demos/src/main/java/androidx/compose/foundation/demos/AnchoredDraggableDemo.kt
M compose/foundation/foundation/samples/src/main/java/androidx/compose/foundation/samples/AnchoredDraggableSample.kt
A compose/foundation/foundation/src/androidInstrumentedTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/foundation/anchoredDraggable/AnchoredDraggableOverscrollTest.kt
M compose/foundation/foundation/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/foundation/gestures/AnchoredDraggable.kt
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #6
Project: platform/frameworks/support
Branch: androidx-main
commit 0f071d797bccf7eff2a23e408928ca76640af782
Author: Shahd AbuDaghash <>
Date: Wed Nov 29 18:34:09 2023
Migrates AnchoredDraggable to Modifier.Node
Migrates AnchoredDraggable to Modifier.Node. This helps in adding Overscroll effect in AnchoredDraggable.
Bug: 288084801
Test: Added tests to verify behavior
Change-Id: I3f3338cd71763972c4b70f2e06c97e85285b0035
M compose/foundation/foundation/src/androidInstrumentedTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/foundation/anchoredDraggable/AnchoredDraggableGestureTest.kt
M compose/foundation/foundation/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/foundation/gestures/AnchoredDraggable.kt
M compose/foundation/foundation/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/foundation/gestures/Draggable.kt
M compose/foundation/foundation/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/foundation/gestures/Draggable2D.kt
Branch: androidx-main
commit 0f071d797bccf7eff2a23e408928ca76640af782
Author: Shahd AbuDaghash <>
Date: Wed Nov 29 18:34:09 2023
Migrates AnchoredDraggable to Modifier.Node
Migrates AnchoredDraggable to Modifier.Node. This helps in adding Overscroll effect in AnchoredDraggable.
Bug: 288084801
Test: Added tests to verify behavior
Change-Id: I3f3338cd71763972c4b70f2e06c97e85285b0035
M compose/foundation/foundation/src/androidInstrumentedTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/foundation/anchoredDraggable/AnchoredDraggableGestureTest.kt
M compose/foundation/foundation/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/foundation/gestures/AnchoredDraggable.kt
M compose/foundation/foundation/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/foundation/gestures/Draggable.kt
M compose/foundation/foundation/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/foundation/gestures/Draggable2D.kt <> #7
This issue is marked as fixed, but there is still no replacement for ResistanceConfig
How should we properly migrate it? <> #8
Can we document this / update the migration guide? <> #9
I'm also facing the same issue. Rolling back to 23.1.1 until a new version is released.
Thank you
Thank you <> #11
[Comment deleted] <> #12
I'm still experiencing this issue when trying to remove/re-add tabs from a TabLayout. The only workaround I've found it to manually clone the tab and add the new one.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #13
Yeah, unless I'm missing something the fact that sTabPool is static and mParent is never nulled out in the tabs that are released means that if you have two TabLayouts and release one Tab to the pool the other one will always throw this exception when you try to add a new tab. <> #14
#14: Check what version of the source you're using, specifically Tab#reset()
In TabLayout there's
private static final Pools.Pool<Tab> sTabPool = new Pools.SynchronizedPool<>(16);
When it tries to reuse Tabs from this Pool it can crash
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Tab belongs to a different TabLayout.
at org.jonathancaryl.tablayouttest.MainActivity.onCreate(
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
It looks like the mParent inside the Tab isn't cleared in the reset() method, so if the TabLayout changes (e.g. the Activity is destroyed and recreated) then it throws the IllegalArgumentException.