Status Update
Comments <> #2
We have passed this defect on to the development team and will update this issue with more information as it becomes available.
We have passed this defect on to the development team and will update this issue with more information as it becomes available.
Thanks <> <> #3
Thought I should mention for posterity, a temporary workaround is:
mStaggeredGridLayoutManager.setItemPrefetchEnabled(false); <> <> #4
[Comment deleted] <> #5
The bug is reproduced on physical device.
1. RecyclerView with GridLayoutManager (3 column)
2. All items has span = 3 (grid look like simple list)
3. Scrolling up and down is working fine
4. Insert items in the middle of the list (All inserted items has span 3 too)
5. call to notifyDataChanged()
6. Grid is expanded with animation
6. Scrolling up and down is failed.
Problem is found after adding android:animateLayoutChanges="true" into a parent layout.
Bug reproducing is stable.
1. RecyclerView with GridLayoutManager (3 column)
2. All items has span = 3 (grid look like simple list)
3. Scrolling up and down is working fine
4. Insert items in the middle of the list (All inserted items has span 3 too)
5. call to notifyDataChanged()
6. Grid is expanded with animation
6. Scrolling up and down is failed.
Problem is found after adding android:animateLayoutChanges="true" into a parent layout.
Bug reproducing is stable.
Setting the backgroundTintList via XML works fine however - the control changes color when the states change.
Attached is a sample program demoing this issue. It includes two FloatingActionButtons, and two Buttons. One of the FloatingActionButtons and one of the regular buttons have their backgroundTintList setup programmatically, the other is setup via XML in the layout files.
Clicking on any of the controls toggles it's selected state.
The background color state list for each control is setup to use a specific color (Blue) for the unselected state, and another color (Red) for the selected State.
As the demo app shows, only the FloatingActionButton that sets it's backgroundTintList value in XML works as expected. As a control, the regular buttons are both functional, so setting the backgroundTintList value programmatically is OK for that control/in general(?).