Status Update
Comments <> #3
I saw this page while searching for solutions. As far as I understood AS should work fine on pcs/laptops with 1 screen and should scale images up or down on secondary screens using primary display dpi. Does scaling also apply to fonts?
Nevertheless, I am using laptop with one screen only so there should be no problem here but obviously something is wrong. The question is, what is wrong? Is there a way I could help?
Nevertheless, I am using laptop with one screen only so there should be no problem here but obviously something is wrong. The question is, what is wrong? Is there a way I could help? <> #4
I've tried overriding setings in studio64.exe.vmoptions and putting
there, but it does not help
there, but it does not help <> #5
We have never seen this before. Would you mind trying the following
1) Try updating the JRE to the latest (e.g. jre 1.8.0_60). Maybe we are running into a bug with the JDK/JVM.
2) Try changing the DPI properties of studio64.exe (right click on icon in task bar, then choose "Properties | Compatibility" and make sure the "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings" checkbox is enabled)
3) Try disabling the "Let me choose one scaling level for all displays" in Control Panel | Display
4) Try signing out and signing back in.
Let us know if one of more of these steps, and which one(s), helped.
1) Try updating the JRE to the latest (e.g. jre 1.8.0_60). Maybe we are running into a bug with the JDK/JVM.
2) Try changing the DPI properties of studio64.exe (right click on icon in task bar, then choose "Properties | Compatibility" and make sure the "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings" checkbox is enabled)
3) Try disabling the "Let me choose one scaling level for all displays" in Control Panel | Display
4) Try signing out and signing back in.
Let us know if one of more of these steps, and which one(s), helped. <> #6
I just checked your suggestions. I've updated to JDK 1.8u66 and after running AS it looks like problem is fixed. I haven't changed anything in compatibility settings nor display settings.
I just checked your suggestions. I've updated to JDK 1.8u66 and after running AS it looks like problem is fixed. I haven't changed anything in compatibility settings nor display settings. <> #7
Here are my new settings
Android Studio 1.4.1
Build #AI-141.2343393, built on October 15, 2015
JRE: 1.8.0_66-b17 amd64
JVM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM by Oracle Corporation
Android Studio 1.4.1
Build #AI-141.2343393, built on October 15, 2015
JRE: 1.8.0_66-b17 amd64
JVM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM by Oracle Corporation <> #8
Thank you for repoarting back, and glad to hear the issue is fixed for you! <> #9
Great, thanks for your help. <> #11
#4 <> #13 <> #14
ok I see a lot definitely will be practicing and testing to 8 believe, it will showe the answers to my hidden product key or tab and give me a better understanding of basic cause do to the effects <> #15
No actualiza el Android 12 <> #16 Restricted
Comment has been deleted. <> #17
Long story short, to get the best possible experience, applications have to be coded specifically to support this new feature, otherwise blurriness will occur in certain scenarios, as Windows will scale automatically, "The effect is that the window and content size are appropriate for every display, but the scaling introduces blurriness.".
Official doc:
There is a good summary here:
This has 2 implications:
1) Applications need to support DPI setting per top-level window (as opposed to application wide) <= This is required because top level windows of a single application may appear on separate displays, each one with distinct DPI settings.
2) Applications need to be able to apply a new DPI setting to any top level window at run-time, without restarting <= This happens when a window is moved by the user from one display to another display with a different DPI setting.
Implementation notes:
* Supporting this feature means that every top level windows of Android Studio will have it's own DPI (and scaling factor), so relying on a global scaling factor is not an option anymore.
* This also means that the application needs to support dynamically (i.e. at run time) scaling to a different factor all components of a top level window in response to the WM_DPICHANGED message.
* The two points above make the approach currently implementated in the JBUI class obsolete.