Status Update
Comments <> <> #3
I'm going to leave this here as well, for reference:
In my use case, the BottomNavigationView is inside a fragment, inside a FrameLayout which is contained in a CoordinatorLayout and the scroll to hide technique works, but in reverse compared to how it's supposed to work. Using the BottomNavigationView directly inside the CoordinatorLayout doesn't have any scroll behavior though.
In my use case, the BottomNavigationView is inside a fragment, inside a FrameLayout which is contained in a CoordinatorLayout and the scroll to hide technique works, but in reverse compared to how it's supposed to work. Using the BottomNavigationView directly inside the CoordinatorLayout doesn't have any scroll behavior though. <> #4
I'm having the same issue. There is an estimation when this issue will be fixed? <> <> #6
Scroll behavior is still missing. For those that are looking for one, sample project archive contains it.
Version used: 23.2.0
Theme used: default
Devices/Android versions reproduced on:
Nexus 5, 5.0.1, build LRX22C
Nexus 7, 6.1.1, build LMY48G
Steps to reproduce the error:
Download the attached project, run it and follow the instructions on the screen.
1. Set error on text input layout
2. Make its text field focused (if it was already focused during step 1 you must focus away and then focus it back)
3. Do setErrorEnabled(false)
4. Focus away from text input layout
Expected outcome: after error disabled, the text field must look normal and show no trace of error tinting whether focused or unfocused (this can be observed if you change design library version to 23.1.1)
Observed outcome in 23.2.0: after error disabled, text field keeps red error tint when *unfocused*.
Also notice that when error is set and you change focus away, version 23.1.1 was doing subtle but nice background animations. This is gone in 23.2.0.