
YouTube API Sample Applications

YouTube API samples have moved to our home on GitHub! Please check there for the latest updates.

Our most up-to-date code samples will be pushed to GitHub. For an introduction to GitHub, check out our YouTube Developers Live show on the topic.

Read more about the APIs in our documentation and dig in to the code by cloning the git repositories.

The code repository includes: * analytics-dump, a command-line Ruby example of using the YouTube Data API and the YouTube Analytics API to retrieve analytics statistics for all the videos in your own YouTube channel. * android-player, a set of examples showing off the YouTube Android Player API. * auto-curate, a Ruby script that watches for new videos uploaded to a channel and automatically adds them to a playlist/posts a channel bulletin in a different channel. * samples, a directory containing language-specific YouTube Data API examples in C#, Go, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python, and Ruby.

Project Information

The project was created on Dec 5, 2012.

YouTube API