
yet another charlieplexed led library for arduino

Library Chaplex to control charlieplexed leds with an Arduino board

With this library Chaplex you can control a structure of charlieplexed leds with an Arduino board.

The library has methods (two) for setting the led values ON and OFF without hardware output and an easy to use method for driving the hardware.

No hardware ressources than the led driving Arduino pins are used.

The library Chaplex was tested with an Arduino Uno and a self made ATTiny85 board. Controlled led structures had up to 12 leds (4 Arduino pins used). So there is no experience with bigger led structures.

Please give feedback if you use the library for bigger led structures.

December 2012

Stefan Götze

Project Information

The project was created on Dec 12, 2012.

Arduino Charlieplexing LED