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xssinterface - Security.wiki


This library might contain severe security holes. Peer review is very welcome!

Cross Domain Communication

Sending messages works through setting a cookie under the destination domain. The listener only accepts messages that contain a certain security token. Callers receive the token through a cookie that the listener places under the caller domain.

Unknown messages are simply discarded. The library makes sure that only methods added through addCallback() are visible.


Methods exposed by addCallback() might be called by an evil third party (For example if a caller has a security hole). The methods should never call eval() on their arguments.


An attacker may be able to perform a DOS attack against messagePassing by passing bogus messages. These will be ignored because the attacker does not know about the security token, but they will still be processed. A workaround is to use a random channel id that the attacker cannot guess. The attacker will still be able to create a lot of bad cookies. But those have a limited lifetime of only 2 seconds.