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xssinterface - issue #3

Cannot make sample work without Google gears

Posted on May 22, 2008 by Happy Elephant
  1. Launch IE8 Beta 1 or Firefox 3.0 RC1 on Win XP SP2
  2. Goto http://www.avantaxx.de/xssinterface/examples/widget/
  3. Nothing happens

IE8 and FF3 implement HTML5 PostMessage but I cannot make the sample work. With Google Gears, works fine.

Comment #1

Posted on May 22, 2008 by Swift Wombat

Fixed in Firefox, cant test in IE 8 right now.

Seems like Firefox 3's interface for postMessage changed once more. xssinterface now works with all Firefox 3 releases

Status: Fixed

Type-Defect Priority-Medium