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Please use Github for opening new issues
The documentation will be moved soon
Web Resource Optimizer for Java
Free and Open Source Java project which brings together almost all the modern web tools: JsHint, CssLint, JsMin, Google Closure compressor, YUI Compressor, UglifyJs, Dojo Shrinksafe, Css Variables Support, JSON Compression, Less, Sass, CoffeeScript and much more. In the same time, the aim is to keep it as simple as possible and as extensible as possible in order to be easily adapted to application specific needs.
Easily improve your web application loading time. Keep project web resources (js & css) well organized, merge & minify them at run-time (using a simple filter) or build-time (using maven plugin) and has a dozen of features you may find useful when dealing with web resources.
Read a nice blog post which will help you to understand how wro4j works.
Want to support wro4j Open Source Development? <wiki:gadget url="http://wiki.wro4j.googlecode.com/git/gadget/paypal-donate-gadget.xml" width="100" height="40" border="0"/>
Code samples
``` Resource resource = Resource.valueOf("script.coffee", ResourceType.JS); Reader reader = new FileReader("path/to/script.coffee"); Writer writer = new FileWriter("path/to/script.js");
//Transforming a coffee script file into a javascript file new CoffeeScriptProcessor().process(resource, reader, writer);
//Using UglifyJs new UglifyJsProcessor().process(resource, reader, writer);
//Using BeautifyJs new BeautifyJsProcessor().process(resource, reader, writer);
//Using Less new LessCssProcessor().process(resource, reader, writer);
//Using Sass new SassCssProcessor().process(resource, reader, writer); ```
Read more about how processors can be reused by your application.
25 Sep 2014 - wro4j-1.7.7 is available. For a complete list of issues, see: Issues page or Visit ReleaseNotes page.
18 Jun 2014 - wro4j-1.7.6 is available. For a complete list of issues, see: Issues page or Visit ReleaseNotes page.
9 Apr 2014 - A new release (wro4j-1.7.5) is available. For a complete list of issues, see: Issues page or Visit ReleaseNotes page.
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- Follow @wro4j on twitter for latest updates and other useful informations.
- See the DesignOverview, read documentation (GettingStarted), FAQ, Tips, etc. Or check out the Features.
- Overview the API with the wro4j-1.6.3 Javadoc.
Special Thanks
YourKit is kindly supporting wro4j open source project with its full-featured Java Profiler.
YourKit, LLC is the creator of innovative and intelligent tools for profiling Java and .NET applications. Take a look at YourKit's leading software products: YourKit Java Profiler and YourKit .NET Profiler.
- Easily report problems to @wro4j on twitter.
- Have a quick question? You can chat with me on StackOverflow Wro4j Chat
- Fork or follow wro4j on github
- Ask general questions, provide feedback to the team on our public mailing list.
- In order to avoid spam, your messages will be moderated.
- If you want to skip moderation, become the member of the group.
- Use Google Moderator to ask questions, add suggestions or ideas for improvement.
https://github.com/wro4j/wro4j/issues Search for existing issues, add a comment about your problem, and star the issue to vote for it. Click the 'New issue' link to create a new issue.
Want to contribute?
- Fork the project on Github. Note: the main development is performed on github (google code source is synced not very often).
- Wandering what to work on? See task/bug list and pick up something you would like to work on.
- Create an issue or fix one from issues list. Before starting to commit, take a look on WorkingWithGit wiki page.
- If you know the answer to a question posted to our mailing list - don't hesitate to write a reply.
- Share your ideas or ask questions on mailing list - that helps us improve javadocs/FAQ.
- If you miss a particular feature - browse or ask on the mailing list, show us a sample code and describe the problem.
- Write a blog post about how you use or extend wro4j.
- Please suggest changes to javadoc/exception messages when you find something unclear.
- If you have problems with documentation, find it non intuitive or hard to follow - let us know about it, we'll try to make it better according to your suggestions. Any constructive critique is greatly appreciated. Don't forget that this is an open source project developed and documented in spare time.
Project Information
- License: Apache License 2.0
- 438 stars
- git-based source control