
ID Status Summary
550 WontFix a couple of code fixes
549 WontFix Only auto-repeating items showing in shortcode
548 WontFix Can't change category number
547 WontFix Date Exclusions
546 WontFix Need Customization willing tp pay
545 WontFix Invert Eventlist
544 WontFix Add exception days to a recurring event.
543 WontFix Google Calendar Repeat Event
542 WontFix Time to load Jquery Type-Enhancement
541 WontFix The calendar no longer works on my website. Type-Defect
540 WontFix After changing label name and clicking update, blank screen Type-Defect
539 WontFix I can't even log into my site!!!!! It won't display! Type-Defect
538 WontFix why please Type-Enhancement
537 WontFix Don't work Type-Enhancement
536 WontFix Language i18n problem! Type-Defect
535 WontFix Language i18n problem! Type-Enhancement
534 WontFix Initial Calendar Displays Incorrectly Type-Defect
533 WontFix Many events on one day... Type-Defect
532 WontFix Event will not open in IE browsers, but will in all others Type-Defect
531 WontFix not able to manage categories Type-Defect category
530 WontFix Plugin Not Compatible With NextGen Gallery Type-Defect
529 WontFix events do not display after upgrading to 1.0.4 Type-Defect
528 WontFix Translation-Error Type-Enhancement translation german
527 WontFix User Role based Categories Type-Enhancement
526 WontFix Can not edit, update, delete and add event after upgrading to wp3.6 Type-Defect
525 WontFix Security issue: Unauthorized users can edit events that do not belong to them Type-Defect
524 WontFix 6 weeks Type-Enhancement
523 WontFix Eventlist in sidebar does not refresh Type-Defect
522 WontFix Add event to visitors iCal, Outlook or Google Calendar Type-Enhancement
521 WontFix Events dont display until after a few clicks? Type-Enhancement
520 WontFix No event details on Windows Phone 8 Type-Defect
519 WontFix Slovenian translation and adding plural translations Type-Localization
518 WontFix Not userfriednly on Responsvie themes. Does not work with Iphones and Ipads. Type-Defect
517 WontFix Issue Type-Defect
516 WorkAround Calendar is empty upon loading in browser Type-Instruction
515 Invalid After install - no admin menu + permission error Type-Conflict
514 WontFix New Dutch translation Type-Localization
513 WontFix Sort Type-Enhancement
512 WontFix Cannot Move to New Server Type-Instruction
511 Duplicate Event Moderation Type-Enhancement
510 WontFix Direct link for Event Type-Enhancement
509 WontFix Can't see my events in admin modus Type-Conflict
508 Invalid Event list in widget area doesn't display start-end date Type-Instruction
507 Duplicate Recurring Events for First, Second, Third, Fourth Weekend in a Month yearly Type-Enhancement
506 Abandoned AEC conflicts with another plugin Type-Conflict
505 Invalid Nav not showing for calendar Type-Instruction
504 WontFix Calendar Not Displaying Type-Conflict
503 WorkAround Plugin to sync iCal with AEC Type-Enhancement
502 Abandoned Only Specify a Start Time for Events Type-Instruction
501 Invalid Recurring Events Are Duplicated Type-Instruction
500 WontFix Multiple-language support Type-Enhancement
499 Done Ajax Event Calendar images Type-Instruction
498 WontFix Change text color per category Type-Enhancement
497 Done "Created By" Name not Showing Type-Instruction
496 WontFix Ability for register users to register to event with percentual selection Type-Instruction
495 Duplicate Adding Hebrew Translation Type-Localization
494 Done to fade out the categories Type-Instruction
493 WontFix Move weekend option to shortcode for invidiual calendar control Type-Enhancement
492 Duplicate Eventlist skip some random events Type-Defect
491 Done Show historical events in the event list Type-Instruction
490 WorkAround Combine Scripts into one File Type-Instruction
489 Abandoned Color picker not loading Type-Conflict
488 Done Customize the "add event" text Type-Instruction
487 WontFix Hebrew Translation Type-Localization
486 WontFix bg_BG translation of plugin Type-Localization
485 Invalid Time Picker Not Working Type-Conflict
484 Duplicate Some events are not showing on calendar, almost always the last day of the month ??? Type-Defect
483 Invalid Option to make categories required Type-Instruction
482 Duplicate I can not add any event on March 31, 2013, Type-Instruction
481 WorkAround Upgrade to simple modal 1.4.4 Type-Conflict
480 WontFix Support for multiple calendar views on a single page Type-Enhancement
479 Abandoned TypeError: $(...).datetimepicker is not a function Type-Conflict
478 Invalid Option to display more in event detail popup Type-Instruction
477 Abandoned 2 domain names Type-Defect
476 Done eventlist - event titles overlapping Type-Instruction
475 Done Shortcodes not working Type-Instruction
474 WontFix Add "Location" field to be used for filtering events Type-Enhancement
473 Duplicate Repeated events : start date is display not current date Type-Enhancement
472 Duplicate view more info [eventList] Type-Enhancement
471 Duplicate How do I prevent overlapping events? Type-Enhancement
470 Done Plugin notify 'city value for Timezone setting'/ Type-Instruction
469 WontFix Add Shortcodes to [calendar] for start and end dates the same as eventlist Type-Enhancement
468 WontFix end time Type-Enhancement
467 Duplicate eventlist local time Type-Enhancement
466 Done Event description font color Type-Instruction
465 WontFix I would like to translate plugin on Croatian Type-Localization
464 Done Can AEC be set to start with specific month other than current month? Type-Instruction
463 Done Proble-Help please with 'php magic quotes' ?????? Type-Instruction
462 WorkAround separate email address and phone fields for Contact Person Type-Enhancement
461 Done aec-quickselect not showing after upgrade Type-Instruction
460 WorkAround Warning: Creating default object from empty value Type-Defect
459 WontFix Disallow Events to Overlap Type-Enhancement
458 Abandoned Dashboard Interface - Not visible. Type-Conflict
457 Done Enable past events, and future events over one year Type-Instruction
456 Invalid Event List Pop-Up Will Not Close In IE 9 Type-Conflict
455 Duplicate Mobile use: More responsive/compact header in calendar view. Make time display in month grid optional. Type-Defect
454 Invalid Repeating Events No Showing Up on Following Months Type-Instruction
453 Done Calendar does not display events for current month Type-Instruction
452 Done Hide month on right side of today button Type-Instruction
451 WontFix Calendar controls do not display correctly in recent version of Firefox (controls overlap) Type-Defect