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ID Status Summary
313 New 123
312 New Unauthorized alert when I request my pin
310 New It doesnt work for me
309 New FakeTimer.cs not found in WittyUnitTests/Search folder. It is reqd. by ViewModelTests
308 New Witty won't retrieve list anymore
307 New Error when trying to "view conversation"
306 New Witty Crash after Install and on every run
305 New After installing Wiity 2.4 and try to logon to Twitter an error mes is shown
304 Duplicate Not working / logging anymore. Getting an "Witty has encountered an expected error. Please restart Witty" error
303 Started Clicking on User tab crashes when I click on it after logging in
302 New URL on notification window
301 New No window size controls on window edges
300 New Client fails to respond to "Tile" or "Cascade" requests
299 New Options dialog goes off-screen if main window is near the edge
298 New Witty not showing all Tweets
297 New Missing file - FakeSearchTimer.cs
296 New Possibly Unicode text fault
295 New Unable to set Reply Prefix to nothing
294 Duplicate Resizable font
293 New Resizable font
292 New [Feedback] Witty - Font, ClickOnce and Responsive UI
291 New "Reply" and "Reply to All" Does the Same Thing
290 New Highlight tweets from me
289 New Add YFrog support for image hosting
288 New Remember window size/position on close
287 New Add API key support for bit.ly
286 New ClickOnce link broken
285 Fixed Two Missing files on source code
284 New @ is hijacked and turned into a $blahblah. UP/DOWN keys don't work. pressing @ sign again crashed witty
283 Invalid Support u.nu as url shortener service.
282 New Should set "in reply to id" when replying to a tweet
281 New Witty doesn't show retweets from people in your list
280 New Very old tweets appear in notification (52 days old)
279 New Links in notification are not clickable
278 New Posts longer than 140 chars with URLs in them don't get posted at all
277 New Localization of witty
276 New Authentication Error Message Confusing
275 New Not responding while connecting
274 New Laconica name is changing
273 New Multi Language Support Needed
272 Duplicate Loggin leaves graphic artifact from login dialog
271 Started Implement OAuth Priority-Critical
270 New Overall interface work
269 Accepted "more..." tab enabled randomly
268 New Source build: In CoolBlue, the section buttons' background is transparent.
267 New Mini-sized update window for updating your status with Witty in the tray.
266 New Add more options to tray icon context menu
265 New How can I change the client name? It always turned to be "web"
264 New @ changes to a user name
263 New url not showing as hyperlink when it is at the start of a message
262 New Interface is very sluggish
261 New Allow multiple column view (see all tweets and all replies side by side)
260 New Add Support for pic.im
259 New Offer a blank reply prefix
258 Fixed Support tr.im url shorterning
257 New Portable Version of Witty
256 Fixed When people append a character to their @reply user name not clickable
255 New Witty appears to be missing tweets.
254 Fixed witty and growl on 64bit OS
253 Duplicate Login dialog does not hide after logged in
252 New Allow configuring Tweets history (not just 8 hours)
251 Fixed Reregister on Snarl restart (patch attached)
250 New Windows 7 Support
249 New Allow users to view "conversations"
248 New Cannot see which tweets are new since I last looked
247 New Feature suggestion: Detect locked accounts
246 New Clickable Links in Popup
245 New Close to go to system tray instead of closing witty
244 Fixed Suggest adding Growl (for Windows) support in addition to Snarl support
243 Started Change the re-tweet format Type-Enhancement
242 Duplicate Login window still visible after logging in
241 Accepted @ sign followed by a url results in url not being shown as hyperlink Type-Defect
240 Duplicate Witty crashes after going into stand by by mode.
239 Fixed Find URLs inside parentheses Type-Enhancement
238 Duplicate Login dialogue fails to minimise after login.
237 New Update Panel shows part of the textbox when minimized
236 New witty after start crash
235 New Font rendering on Windows XP is blurry
234 Duplicate Error Message - Witty encountered and error please restart.
233 New # on its own does not show up in tweet
232 New Doesnt play well with Winodws 7 tray Type-Enhancement
231 New Link Disappears on Hover Over Priority-High
230 New Use new Social Graph API to minimize requests when fetching friends list Type-Enhancement
229 New Toaster popups show up in alt-tab task switcher.
228 Fixed URLs become hidden after mouse moving over them Type-Defect Priority-Medium
227 Fixed Reply to All - replies to self
226 New Witty used tinyurl URL service when configured for is.gd
225 New is.gd url encoding failed.
224 New Witty uses 15-20% of the CPU simply moving the mouse around the window
223 New Login box remains visible after login.
222 Accepted Add rate limit status to the UI to expose to the user Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
221 New Multiple Reply alerts
220 Accepted Witty has encountered an unexpected error. Please restart Witty randomly Type-Defect Priority-High
219 Accepted Multiple Instances of Witty After ClickOnce Update
218 Accepted Add support for user defined keyboard shortcuts using WPF Command binging Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
217 New @replies alert only
216 New Automatic Pause/Unpause of Device Updates Type-Enhancement
215 New Check for Update button disabled
214 New Can't mark tweet as favorite