This is more of a suggestion than an issue.
I use dual monitors, and to have this work with monitor 1 and monitor 2 would be kinda cool.
Also, I use AutoIT for testing, so to use a different icon than the AutoIT one would be helpful. I copied your au3 and re-compiled to insert a different icon. I attached the icon icon I used, and here is the link:
Just some thoughts, otherwise, this is pretty nice and easy to use.
- Leopar'd Icon 18.ico 522.83KB
Comment #1
Posted on Sep 5, 2009 by Helpful Birddm83737,
I have being using AutoIt for some time, but never bothered myself about changing default icon. How do I change default icon? Do I have to change code or is it a compile time option? May I add your ICO file to the project? By the way, very nice artwork. Are you also a graphics designer?
As for the dual monitor, do you know whether AutoIt support them? If so, send me some clues on how to achieve that and we can review code to see if it is feasible/possible to change it to support dual (maybe multi) monitor.
Comment #2
Posted on Sep 8, 2009 by Helpful DogAdding the icon is done when you compile the script, so that is pretty simple. As far as the icon, I am not sure if it is out there under the "freely available to use for whatever" type license or not; it would say so on the web link I placed in the initial comment.
As far as the dual monitors, I am not sure how to do this. But, after messing around with your application, it already does this automatically for the most part (i.e. - When I press 'Win + 6', it puts the application window on the right monitor). Multi-monitors would be the catch here as I am not sure how it would behave in that situation. Good Luck with this and I would be happy to test any new functionality for dual monitors you might come up with.
Comment #3
Posted on Sep 14, 2009 by Helpful DogI have added some things to this after our conversation about multiple monitors (I hope you are not upset).
I have added the creation of a .ini file to keep track of the settings as far as how many monitors and if the user would like the app to start automatically with Windows or not.
Let me know if you hate it or not... ;-)
There are a few things to these additions: 1) It checks to see if this is the first time WinLayout has been ran - Done in very basic way; checks for the .ini file 2) Creates the .ini file if not present and places it within the app folder (@ScriptDir) 3) Updates the .ini from a new menu in your tray right-click list called 'Options...' if the user changes things (i.e. - Deletes the icon from the 'Startup' folder if they do not want WinLayout to start automatically and vice versa; same with the monitors in that it changes the numbers they have selected)
I want to try to come up with something easy as far as the multiple monitor settings and ways it can work with the resolutions. For instance, my resolution is 2560x1024 (1280*2x1024) Since I choose 2 monitors, I am trying to think of ways to make this handy for that layout through different settings.
- WinLayoutVersion1001.au3 54.52KB
Comment #4
Posted on Sep 18, 2009 by Helpful Birddm83737,
Looked at changed code you attached to your last message, but found no specific AutoIt calls related to dual-monitor management. As far as I understood, you created an additional screen for defining settings only, right? I am going to connect my notebook to my LCD HDTV and check how dual-monitor works on Windows and try to implement it on WinLayout, if possible.
Comment #5
Posted on Sep 23, 2009 by Helpful Birddm83737,
Tried to embed your "Leopar'd Icon 18.ico" file to version, but it didn't work. Thougth it would be due to file name, so renamed the ico file to WinLayout.ico, but it didn't work also. Were you able to successfully embed this icon file during compile time?
Comment #6
Posted on Sep 23, 2009 by Helpful Birddm83737,
With regard to the Dual Monitor option, I connected a second monitor to my notebook and tried WinLayout as it is. When I press WIN + ALT + NUMPAD5 active windows fulfill both monitors as they were one, but when I press WIN + ALT + NUMPAD4, the active window should fulfill the left monitor completely, but it is not. When I press WIN + ALT + NUMPAD6, the active window should fulfill the right monitor, but it is not. As my notebook and my external monitor does not match resolutions, I am guessing windows apply some scaling to adjust window(s) on both monitors. Besides it, there exists 4 possible combinations for 2 monitors: monitor 1 left to monitor 2, monitor 1 right to monitor 2, monitor 1 above monitor 2 and monitor 1 below monitor 2. Moreover, if screen resolutions do not match, one can snap the smallest monitor to top, bottom, left or right corner. I'll try to further understand how dual-monitors work on Windows and check whether it is possible/feasible to implement it on WinLayout.
Comment #7
Posted on Sep 29, 2009 by Helpful DogI made up the attached doc for you on how I compiled the script with the icon.
I also looked at the AutoIT forums for a way to read the screen resolutions from the registry or something in order to pick up if there are multiple monitors or not, and I found this script that pretty much does everything you could ever want:
I am attaching that as well; it seems real big and gaudy for what I am looking for. About the only things I thought of for your script would be a way to remember the original size and position of the window that is manipulated and have a way to restore it to its original form. _SplitMon has that as well after looking it over, but the programming for that script is over my head, so I left it alone. If you can understand it, it shows how to read the number of monitors from the system (somehow, not sure how it is done though); so that's all you my friend.
I made the ini file so that you could have a reference point for any changes going forward on multi-monitor use (you brought it up a couple posts ago), I just thought it would be a handy way for you to keep settings for future use.
- 740.35KB
Comment #8
Posted on Oct 1, 2009 by Helpful Birddm83737,
With regard to dual-monitor issue, it is gone. Please download latest version and test it on your machine.
With regard to changing executable icon, I was not able to embed yours (it might be related to the fact yours is a 32-bit 256 x 256 pixels icon stored using png compression), but successfully added another one I found in the internet. Check it and let me know what do you think about it.
With regard to the "Run on startup" option, I'll check if it s possible to create a checked menu item and adapt it to call the code you provided on your sample.
With regard to saving and restoring windows positions and sizes based on their names/classes, I am prone not to implement it since it requires resorting to hooks to the windows message queue to intercept windows creation events. I guess WinLayout would also have to have privileged (elevated) access for that matter.
Comment #9
Posted on Oct 3, 2009 by Helpful Bird- dual/multi monitor support
- changed WinLayout icon
- Added "Run on startup" tray menu
Status: Fixed