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ID Status Summary
227 New Hardcoding subtitles: FFMPEG does this beautifully, and I note that someone requested this in 2011. Any progress? Type-Defect Priority-Medium
226 New Resize ignored when using crop Type-Defect Priority-Medium
225 New Have MP4 videos & need to convert to AVI videos Type-Defect Priority-Medium
224 New Add ability to use input filters. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
223 Accepted In options tab (video, audio..) characters stoke are doubled Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-Linux Component-UI Usability
222 New Gamma Shift Bug in converted MOV files Type-Defect Priority-Medium
221 New Progress Bar in Win-FF Type-Defect Priority-Medium
220 Incomplete Unknown libxvid encoder Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-Linux
219 New Wrong Polish translation of Time: seconds Type-Defect Priority-Medium
218 New wishlist: Add field for input file options to preset editor Type-Defect Priority-Medium
217 Invalid Unknown encoder 'libvo_aacenc' Type-Defect Priority-Medium
216 New Patch for /trunk/winff/unit1.pas Type-Patch Component-Logic OpSys-All
215 New save window size on exit / add folder (recursively) / Windows: mime-type support Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
214 Invalid 969 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
213 New Crash when adding files to list Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-Windows
212 New REQUEST - PLEASE Provide Binary Downloads? Type-Enhancement Priority-Low OpSys-Linux
211 Accepted Double quote used instead of single quote in video size help text Type-Defect Priority-Low OpSys-All Component-UI
210 Fixed "An unhandled exception occured..." Type-Defect Priority-Medium
209 Fixed Can't convert more than 99 audio files at once Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-All Component-UI
208 Accepted Unrecognized encoding options Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Presets OpSys-Linux
207 New Just downloaded WinFF and I get: Could not find either ffmpeg or avconv Type-Defect Priority-Medium
206 Duplicate Wishlist: allow winff to take imported video settings - fps / bitrate / aspect ratio / audio bitrate and apply them to the output video Type-Defect Priority-Medium
205 New Opening source folder crashes program Type-Defect Priority-Medium
204 Fixed "Select Video Files" dialog finds only 2 files of 110. Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-Linux OpSys-OSX
203 New MPG to MP4 conversion without sound Type-Defect Priority-Medium
202 Duplicate Enhancement: Multi threads in winff Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
201 Done Patch for /trunk/winff/README.txt Type-Patch Component-Docs
200 Invalid Error MOV to AVI Priority-Medium
199 WontFix Decreased speed Type-Defect Priority-Medium
198 Fixed Spelling Error »Trademark Fabrice Belllard« Type-Defect Priority-Medium
197 WontFix Installation - Selecting English installs French Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-Windows
196 Duplicate version 1.5.0 (Windows XP) : error when "éèà..." chars in username Type-Defect Priority-Medium
195 Fixed Preset Messages Still Showing In The Latest Presets 54_v2_libfaac Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Component-Presets
194 Invalid WinFF 1.5.0 - Can't Pick Different Formats Unless You Close GUI Type-Defect Priority-Medium
193 Fixed Problem With Chroma Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Presets
192 New why no include a ffmpeg static into Winff? Type-Enhancement Priority-Low OpSys-Linux OpSys-OSX Usability
191 Accepted generic file extension Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
190 Invalid -t and -ss arguments should be used in reverse order Type-Defect Priority-Medium
189 Fixed deblockalpha/beta parameters were deprecated over a year ago Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Presets
188 WontFix wmav2@0x3d39c20 output buffer size is too small. Audio encoding failed. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
187 Invalid Add COPYING file to the source Type-Task Priority-High Milestone-Release1.6
186 Fixed RPM Package tries to own directories it shouldn't Type-Defect Priority-Low OpSys-Linux
185 New functionality to search presets Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Component-UI Component-Logic
183 Invalid nv
182 Fixed wish list: winff should include a newer ffmpeg to support avs files Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium OpSys-Windows Milestone-Release1.5
181 Accepted preset name validation missing starting digit Type-Defect Priority-Low OpSys-All Component-Logic Milestone-Release1.6
180 Accepted Failing support for non-ascii preset labels and category Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Component-UI OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.6
179 Fixed Compiling Source - ffmpeg Verions Recommended? Type-Enhancement Priority-Low OpSys-All
178 Fixed -deinterlace option is deprecated in avconv Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-Release1.5
177 WontFix Please - Request For Tar For Binary Type-Enhancement Priority-Low OpSys-Linux
176 Fixed Microsoft and Secunia warn of FFMpeg vulnerabilities Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-Windows Security
175 New Request For Preset If Possible? -- THANKS Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Component-Presets
174 Fixed winff was not fully adapted to the possibility of libav next to ffmpeg Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-Linux Component-Logic Usability OpSys-OSX
173 Done Create presets for libavcodec 54 (-deblockalpha ?) Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-All Component-Presets
172 WontFix Filenames with '&' (ampersand) character cause problems in generated batch file on windows Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-Windows
171 Invalid Can't Convert Anything Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-Linux
170 Done Location of fields wrong after window resizing Type-Defect Priority-Low Component-UI
169 Invalid Unhandled win32 exception (throws in Just in compiler) Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-Windows
168 Invalid Unknown encoder 'libxvid' Type-Defect Priority-Medium
167 WontFix Improving command line readability thought line breaks (and @Prompt -$G) Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
166 Fixed winff for older versions of Ubuntu should not use updated ffmpeg commands Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Logic OpSys-Linux Usability
165 Duplicate REQ: Output file to input directory Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-Release1.5
164 Fixed REQ: Cmd Line Panel Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Component-UI Milestone-Release1.5
163 Fixed Winff does not remember the 'display command line' setting Type-Defect Priority-Low Component-UI
162 New PSP doesn't support encoded MP4 videos Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Presets
161 Duplicate Please support Chinese character Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-Windows
160 Invalid Please support
159 WontFix Old versions of fpc need winff.res file in source package Type-Other Priority-Medium
158 Fixed MPEG-4 - MP4 Fullscreen/widescreen have two bitrates defined Type-Other Priority-Medium Component-Presets OpSys-All
157 New remove -q command Type-Defect Priority-Medium
156 Fixed wish list: add interface for ffmpeg rotate Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Milestone-Release1.5
155 New A slider for for various options. Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
154 Fixed "Use Source Folder" not functioning Type-Defect Priority-Low OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.5
153 Fixed What needs winff? Type-Defect Priority-Medium
152 Fixed Some syntax changes to FFmpeg (Advisory). Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Component-Presets Milestone-Release1.4
151 Fixed Arch Linux Build Problem Type-Defect Priority-Medium
150 Fixed "o_" added as prefix to output file when output folder is not the same as input folder Type-Defect Priority-Medium
149 New wish list: Include more than one audio stream in video files Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Component-UI
148 New wish list: allow multicore machine to process multiple video's at once Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Component-Logic Performance
147 Fixed FFmpeg is going to be replaced by avconv on Debian and Ubuntu Type-Other Priority-Medium OpSys-All
146 Started Option for Cropping to happen before Resizing Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-All Component-Logic Usability
145 Duplicate WinFF 1.4 & X-Winff 1.3.2 chcp 1252 Error Type-Defect Priority-Medium
144 Invalid Winff 1.4.0 did not use the ffmpeg provided in the package Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-Windows
143 Duplicate Acess Voliation Type-Defect Priority-Medium
142 Fixed Output folder silently returns to default after change Type-Defect Priority-Medium
141 Duplicate "Invalid floating point operation" when drag and drop files Type-Defect Priority-Medium
140 Fixed "Add" dialogue: expand "Files of type" to include preset extensions "*.mp3" etc. [wishlist] Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium OpSys-All Component-UI Milestone-Release1.4
139 Fixed Drag and Drop videos into 1.40 Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-All
138 Invalid Can't find unit Interfaces used by winff Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-Linux
137 Fixed winff needs different call for crop function in recent ffmpeg Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.3 Usability Component-Logic
136 Fixed Preferences are stored (but not saved) when I press "cancel" Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-All Component-Persistence Component-UI Usability Milestone-Release1.5
135 Duplicate libavcodec has changed the API again; presets need change Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.3
134 Duplicate libavcodec has changed the API again; presets need change Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.3
133 Duplicate libavcodec has changed the API again; presets need change Type-Defect Priority-Medium
132 Duplicate libavcodec has changed the API again; presets need change Type-Defect Priority-Medium
131 Fixed libavcodec has changed the API again; presets need change Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release1.3 OpSys-All Component-Presets
130 Fixed Error after build V.1.3.2 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
129 WontFix Windows Media Encoder Codec 9.2? Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Component-Presets
128 Fixed Additional options tabs cannot be reached after compiling from source on Linux Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-UI OpSys-Linux Milestone-Release1.3