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webpyte - ExampleApp.wiki

Before this, you should be done InstallingWebpyte.

The distribution contains an "example" directory where you can do this: ```

Enter the example directory

cd webpyte/example

Create a necessary subdirectory

mkdir logs

Start up the web server

./launch_webpyte.py dev ```

Now you can browse the site at http://localhost:2009/

Notice there are at least 5 simple configuration files. 2 of these configure the webserver. The other 3 configure an application. You see, a webserver can serve many applications.

The webserver configuration files are in the root ("example") directory. dev.ini is used during development and prod.ini is intended for production. You should know how to start the server in production mode: ./launch_webpyte prod

To create a new project, clone the example directory and start modifying it!