This is a recommendation for an enhancement. The feature I use most in my Perl scripts is the DBI/DBD database interface and mainly with ODBC so I can access DB2, Oracle and other databases at work. Would love to be able to switch my Perl scripts over to v8cgi scripts, but would need better database support to do so. I noticed there was support for mysql and postgresql for v8cgi. Is there an overall standard interface (like with Perl DBI) to accessing databases through v8cgi? Does/will CommonJS have some standard like this for database access?
It would be nice to have a standard API for database access so one could easily switch between databases by changing a line or two without having to rewrite the rest of the code (similar to DBI in Perl). Would also like to see ODBC support added in (using a standard database API).
There are two projects I know of that support ODBC on POSIX machines:
I also have some code for accessing ODBC databases via DLL in MinGW from C/C++.
Am hoping some of these resources and ideas can be combined to give better, more flexible database support to v8cgi.
Comment #1
Posted on May 10, 2011 by Happy GiraffeYeah, adding support for the ODBC abstraction sounds very reasonable. I do not have much time for such improvements, but I am adding it to TODO list.
Comment #2
Posted on Aug 25, 2011 by Grumpy RhinoHave you seen
Comment #3
Posted on Aug 25, 2011 by Grumpy RhinoHave you seen
Comment #4
Posted on Aug 30, 2011 by Happy RabbitI took a look at Google's Apps Scripts that were recommended. They only run on Google's Servers. Their tools are really quite useless if you want to run anything locally on your own machine. Also, it makes no use of V8CGI altogether and is an alternative to V8CGI that's geared very much to working with Google's Applications and only with their servers. Unless you're doing something that's Google Application specific, I think V8CGI gives far more flexibility and functionality. I didn't see any of Google's source code for their Apps Script project available as Open Source either. They may have an open API for their tools, but I don't see a way to make use of any of their code (for connecting to databases or other functionality) with V8CGI.
Comment #5
Posted on Jul 20, 2012 by Happy GiraffeStatus: Accepted