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v8cgi - issue #85

Database (mysql) prepared statement interface

Posted on Jan 20, 2011 by Grumpy Ox


Taking user input, using with some string manipulation and then feeding that into DB is very dangerous. Even if you try to use string escaping. This is a point that will be hammered into developers at every opportunity during a Web Security course.

The best practice given is always to use bounded variables/parameters (aka prepared statements). These also run much faster on most DBMS.

The work flow that one would expect from a DB API is as follows:


var db = new DB_handle(); db.connect()

db is something that you can keep, even across connections.


var query = db.query('SELECT * FROM table WHERE firstname = ? AND lastname = ?');

'?' is at least MySQLs syntax. Query can be reused with different parameters (even across http connections); for queries that are use often this caching will give a speed boost.

var result1 = query.execute('Foo', 'Bar'); var result2 = query.execute(userinput1, userinput2);


Use iterators/operators on results.

The point here is, even if userinput1 = '"" Or 1=1 ;--'; it will not be interpreted as SQL but rather as a string. So even names such as Bobby Tables' (http://xkcd.com/327/) are safe and can be searched for. Without the need to escape, which is not 100% reliable anyway.



Comment #1

Posted on Jan 20, 2011 by Happy Giraffe

Yes, I am fully aware of all advantages of prepared statements. The only problem is that MySQL's Prepared statements API is quite complex and large, so I did not have (so far) enough time to implement it. Adding to my TODO list :)

Comment #2

Posted on May 7, 2012 by Happy Giraffe

Issue 113 has been merged into this issue.

Comment #3

Posted on Jul 20, 2012 by Happy Giraffe


Status: Accepted

Type-Defect Priority-Medium