Currently the situation is as follows. Note that development is going fast and features are quickly moving from "not supported" to supported.
- Data types supported : int, float, double, ndarray.
- User defined classes supported.
- Functions supported.
- For loop over range/xrange.
Not supported
- Lists, dicts, tuples
- Multiple inheritance.
- Keyword arguments.
- Lambda
- Exceptions
- Decorators
- Iterators and generators
- Dynamic code execution
- Metaclasses
- Negative indices for ndarray.
- Ufuncs
- Dynamic redefinition of functions and classes etc.
- Properties, staticmethod, classmethod, class attributes.
- Magic methods such as new, add etc.
- "with" statement
- subclassing int, float, double or ndarray
Broken. Being fixed
- Imports
- While loop