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ID Status Summary
137 New facing error when connecting to eucalyptus-2.0.3 with typica 1.7.1
136 New Attach Volume - Device Name (/dev/sdc) not working
135 New ClassCastException using Apache HttpClient 4.2
134 New JAXB link not working
133 New User data must be base64 using URL SAFE
132 New Support cc2.8xlarge needed
131 New ERROR com.xerox.amazonws.common.AWSQueryConnection - Couldn't parse error response!
130 New ReservationDescription throwing NullPointerExceptions
129 New Exception in thread "main" javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: unexpected element
128 New getDNS method some times returns or no Value
127 New {Fatal Error }: [1:1]
126 New possible issue with using 1.7.2
125 New describeSnapshots with owner null and restorableBy "self"
124 New jec2.describeSnapshots() gets all the snapshots on amazon!
123 New QueryTool to support all regions
122 New eu-west-server seems not available when creating a SimpleDB connexion.
121 New Typica failed to compute it"s version in muliti-classloader system
120 New net.luminis.build.plugin-0.2.0.jar is missing
119 New Patch for /trunk/java/com/xerox/amazonws/ec2/InstanceType.java Type-Patch
118 Started FlexiblePaymentsService (FPS) signature v2 out of date
117 New BlockDeviceMappings not returned in ReservationDescription.Instance
116 New Eucalyptus CC - typica 1.7.2 describeAvailabilityZones throws NullPointerException
115 New Doubt
114 New AMI doesnt exsit
113 New pon.xml for version 1.7 is not commited to repository
112 Started Make Typica OSGI-compatible
111 New Use bouncycastle provider for AWSConnection if available
110 New Add Support for the new Tagging functionality
109 New Add support for the new type micro instance
108 New Add support for session stickiness in ELB (patches included)
107 New Typica -1.7.2 compatibility with Apache 4.0 beta liraries
106 New Is this typica bug?
105 New NullPointerException in Jec2.terminateInstances(List<String>)
104 New Counter.nextValue throws ndexOutOfBoundsException
103 New Cannot create launchconfiguration with securitygroup
102 New Support RDS API
101 New Everytime I call Jec2.requestSpotInstances
100 Accepted getAttributes doesn't support ConsistenRead
99 WontFix NTLM authentication
98 New Add Namespace to ScalingTrigger (if not autoscaling does not work)
97 New Unable to stop instances on Eucalyptus
96 New MonitoringException when calling listMetrics()
95 Fixed Typica 1.7 - Jec2.DescribeInstances fails on Eucalyptus
94 Fixed Unable to launch EC2 images with security group or user data
93 Fixed Detachment of a volume without specifying a device does not work (at least with Eucalyptus)
92 Fixed r323 - Creating a volume without a snapshotId fails (at least at Eucalyptus)
91 Fixed r323 - Running instances without EBS volumes does not work
90 Fixed Latest version of Typica causes error when instantiating/terminating instances in Eucalyptus
89 New DataPoint
88 New MonitorInstance EXCEPTION
87 Fixed Add Support for launching instances within Amazon VPC (Patches included)
86 Fixed Typica FPS needs to migrate to AWS Signature Version 2
85 Fixed Building r318 on OS X 10.5 fails
84 Fixed Multi-threaded simpleDB access on multi-core machines doesn't scales
83 Invalid unable to use the autoscalin
82 Fixed Ability to discover snapshot ID of an EBS-backed image
81 Fixed Exception in ec2.monitorInstances(monitorInstanceList)
80 Fixed If you have 2 queues where one queue name ends with the other queue name, SQSUtils.getMessageQueue may return the wrong queue
79 Fixed Need modifySnapshotAttribute API
78 Accepted Please upload sources jars to Maven repository
77 Fixed Domain.listItemsAttributes incorrectly eats a SDBException and outputs text to the console
76 WontFix Problem Monitoring Instance State
75 Invalid JAXBuddy.getUnmarshaller() fails with NoSuchMethodException for 'ObjectFactory.createContext()' [against M/DB]
74 Fixed Patch: StartInstances and StopInstances methods for EBS-booted instances
73 WontFix com.xerox.amazonws.typica.jaxb.* missing
72 Fixed Terminating large number of instances will fail with "Connection reset"
71 Fixed MessageQueue class doesn't respect MAX_MESSAGE_BODIES_SIZE constant
70 Fixed Add new instance type
69 WontFix API enchancement
68 Duplicate Got I/O exception when trying to create load balancer
67 Fixed Private IP Address not set correctly in ReservationDescription.Instance constructor
66 Fixed upgrade from HttpClient 3.1 to HttpClient 4.0
65 Fixed RunInstances fails with addressingtype problem
64 Fixed No Access to the start Field of a ReservedInstances object
63 Fixed ReservationDescription returned by RunInstances does not contain IpAddress and PrivateIpAddress fields
62 Fixed ELB endpoint is incorrect
61 Fixed Unable to use Autoscaling API
60 Fixed publicAddr of Jec2.runInstance not being used
59 Fixed [Eucalyptus] Server may be in different TimeZone than GMT
58 Duplicate Incorrect queue retrieved when multiple queues end with same string
57 Fixed Allow to use Typica with M/DB
56 Fixed Item.getAttributesMap returns only attribute names
55 Fixed AWSQueryConnection causes problem in Sun Glassfish
54 Fixed ImageType parameter is not working DescribeImages function
53 Fixed SVN tags code contains distribution tarballs?
52 Invalid listItems() only returns 100 items ?
51 Fixed "Problem parsing returned message." with TestJec2 in build 265
50 Fixed connection timeout
49 Fixed SDB item id with an accented character (like é)
48 WontFix java.lang.ArrayStoreException
47 Fixed Add virtualPath to AWSConnection ctor to support Eucalyptus
46 Fixed API Docs Possibly Incorrect?
45 Fixed sdbShell crashed when an item is queried
44 Fixed platform support in ImageDescription
43 Fixed SimpleDB with custom port numbers and max retries issue
42 Fixed Exception caught when putting value that contains * char to SimpleDB
41 WontFix Add an intuitive call for creating a new item in a given domain
40 Fixed Bundling image gets an SignatureDoesNotMatch Error
38 Fixed Jec2.describeImagesByImageType method always throws exception
37 WontFix Incorrect Queue returned from SQSUtils.getQueueService()